Example sentences of "[adv] that [pron] had [be] " in BNC.

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1 It was not enough that they had been questioned at length about a work in which they had secretly collaborated : they were now to be insulted by having their acknowledged work dismissed as of small account .
2 And she had never had much time for Angela Cartwright , who , when it came to Grunte , tended to run with the hare , though it was plain enough that she had been put out by Grunte 's placing Hyacinth on his right hand and had agreed with Carole afterwards that they would have little trouble finding the necessary fifty signatures .
3 The complainant need not show he was aggrieved on the date mentioned in the summons , it is enough that he had been aggrieved earlier , otherwise as Darling , J. pointed out in Hilton v Hopwood it would be virtually impossible for an individual to bring an action under s.99 .
4 Was n't it enough that he had been so humiliated ?
5 Perhaps Dorothy had been shielded too much , and again in her marriage she had been protected , so that there had been nothing in her life to prepare her for what was happening now .
6 After evidence had been led for the prosecution counsel for the defendant submitted that there was no case to answer on the theft charges because the manager of the shop had authorised the transactions , so that there had been no appropriation within the meaning of section 1(1) of the Act .
7 And it had been there , about twenty minutes later , that Thiercelin had received his wound ; a shell splinter in the cheek , which looked worse than it was , bleeding profusely into his collar and tunic , so that he had been ordered back to the chateau to have it dressed .
8 They acknowledged only that they had been playing loud music and having innocent fun .
9 She could n't really remember anything , only that she had been knitting and then she had woken up in this bed with her nosy , bossy sister sitting beside her .
10 Rufus could not remember the man 's name , only that he had been the second visitor to Wyvis Hall , the gardener being the first .
11 Only that he had been up at San Carlos about two years and had a wife that was supposed to be very pretty and about fifteen years younger than he was .
12 Police refused to confirm how many people had been arrested , saying only that there had been a number of arrests for public order offences .
13 She could not remember her dream , only that it had been about Edmund and that he loved her .
14 In June , he told Puchberg bitterly that he had been forced to give away his ‘ Prussian ’ quartets for a song , just in order to have enough cash to meet his present obligations .
15 No matter that she had n't understood the broken phrases gasped from Rune 's lips as he had devoured her with his kisses ; she knew instinctively that they had been an expression of his desire for her in that sweet moment of culmination .
16 It was thus that I had been able to gain some sense of the sort of place Miss Kenton had gone to live her married life .
17 It was no longer that he had been a member of the murder gang , but that he had presided over a meeting of UDA officers in order to plan it .
18 Lamprey was reading the second , and so far no word had come downstairs that it had been rejected .
19 However , while it held sway it was interpreted on occasion to mean not just that there had been a breach of natural justice with no remedy available .
20 It was just that she had been too much in love at the time to see it .
21 Not that it had been difficult , he thought disgustedly .
22 It was not that he had been dilatory in his duty of interviewing all those sent to the camp who were in any way , minor or major , special .
23 Not that he had been to work on a Sunday for several years , but that was how he remembered it .
24 Not that there had been anything problematical about the journey to La Paz — just the normal anxieties .
25 Mrs Bennett would have a fit if she knew Celia had gone up to Beckwith 's Folly , but it was n't the first time lately that she had been overwhelmed by the desire to escape , although it was the first time she had actually done anything about it .
26 Harris , who last season captained the Raleigh-Banana team which has now been disbanded , announced yesterday that he had been offered a contract by the Spanish Lotus-Festina squad .
27 However Scotland 's largest education authority , Strathclyde Regional Council , was able to say yesterday that there had been none at all in its area since the establishment of the council in the mid-Seventies .
28 A 15-year-old Darlington girl admitted yesterday that she had been part of a gang which broke into the town 's Salvation Army Hostel .
29 The consortium behind the $7bn management buyout , in which BA would have a 15 per cent stake , admitted yesterday that it had been unable to complete its part of the financing .
30 But solicitor Ray Tooth , who represented the wife in the £1 million split , said yesterday that it had been an exceptional case .
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