Example sentences of "[adv] i [verb] you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I want you to take that in , I 'm pausing for a little I want you to take it in .
2 Right I want you to stay silent .
3 Right I think you have missed the point or may not have understood how we deal with the business of this congress .
4 What is the best way of going forward ? — Ideas from within I hear you say !
5 Thank you very much I hope you have a nice Christmas , I bet you 're overworked at the moment !
6 When you 've got up next morni And then we I can tell you another thing , and very few people know about it , especially I bet you do n't know wha what they called beastlings , do you ?
7 As ships are in your line , naturally I want you to see him , too . "
8 ‘ And as soon as you feel well enough I want you to write a list of everybody that the Signorina Maxwell knows in Florence .
9 Only I hate you shutting me out like this . ’
10 ‘ Ruth , if ever he catches you alone I want you to scream — scream as loudly as you can — and run away .
11 Oh see you erm you have to write down I mean you have to write down Bonnie and pupils .
12 at two o'clock on Saturdays and whizzes round the town doing wheelies round the town so I said to him last night Scott sit down I want you to read something , I said take a good look at the paper , I said it could 've been you , doing that , you think you 're so fucking clever and big running round the town , I said it only takes you to lose control go up the bloody curb and bang , that 's what happened , I said think about what the hell you 're doing
13 So I invite you to join us and add your voice to that of The Ramblers and help protect the countryside .
14 So I said you know we 've got P and P out , we 've started selling tickets .
15 Yes , that 's right , so I said you know , it 's on a general level , I said yes , fine .
16 So I said you know , the one minute past quarter to and there 's a sort of quietly you know but then you know , just have to grab at
17 Cos she 's very , so I said you do n't want anything at all ?
18 So I hope you 've all thought of one word , right , if somebody else has said it before you you 've got ta think quick and think of something else .
19 So I hope you see , that this Aldershot method which several people have mentioned is is a very effective way of structuring what you do here it can also be used very simply in in a meeting just to be able to put your point across simply but effectively .
20 So I thought you deserved a bit of a fright in return . ’
21 So I mean you had to sort of come up , and grab a breath , and go under the water and try and swim away from it .
22 And so I mean you had to sort of go up several flights of stairs and you walked in and it , it looked lovely .
23 So I mean you got , they were very , very politically- minded .
24 I mean she does n't smoke anyway so I mean you know
25 so I mean you know , that 's part of his life is n't it ?
26 So I mean you stick those on them and er and er they wo n't be able to cut them down .
27 So I mean you do n't want to go di di down to a size eight or a size ten , cos I think you 'd feel
28 So I mean you have to send one copy , unless they take the bother of the copy they have received may gone to somebody else .
29 So I think you know we were all very ware aware of that of people that were had been active in the miner 's strike .
30 You know both sides were very happy you know it was up with the company or down with the company you know , and I think certainly the younger lads sort of saw it as an infringement upon their future , you know we 've all got mortgages and the o older men who 'd been working since the quarry started you know were gon na see a drop in their standard of living , so I think you know people were getting a bit upset you know that a n a new fella h a new face had come in , and all of a sudden you know changes were being made that were gon na hurt everybody financially .
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