Example sentences of "[adv] i [verb] not have " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly I did n't have anything else to ask him .
2 If only I had n't had that last cup of hot chocolate .
3 ‘ Damn , if only I had n't had that wine and walked home — well , the man 's a fool .
4 I said she could have taken a degree in her spare time in th she 's only she 's not yet forty I said that 's absolute rubbish I said th the world is full of these damn women going around saying , if only I had n't had children I could have been Lord Chief Justice of England , I said , it is n't true !
5 We did n't make the decision to find out , look I 've got a complimentary ticket , and perhaps I do n't have to queue here , perhaps I might have to , but I 'll go and find out .
6 Then they decided perhaps I did n't have to stay in that one after all , so put me into another single cell , which was equally disgusting .
7 Obviously I had n't had enough to drink . )
8 right so I have n't had a briefing on that so I can .
9 So I do not have grounds for my judgment or my exclamation . ’
10 Now why ca n't they issue a ticket , transferable ticket So I do n't have to use three buses , all I have to do is I 've got one ticket , now that ticket reserved for particular .
11 So I do n't have to restrain myself any more !
12 Erm , having said that , I think lecturers tend to accumulate these things over time and this is the first year I 've run this course so I do n't have a great stock of things I can I can show you .
13 Now , from my point of view of course , all do developmental so I do n't have to mark the papers , right ?
14 Oh , so I do n't have to rush it ?
15 my sausages so I do n't have anything except sausages .
16 So I do n't have to do those ?
17 Because , because I 'm a complete stranger so I do n't have to spend time with you at all , so you know .
18 And I like erm around in shorts every day , and I 'm on the swimming pool side three times a week , so I do n't have much choice .
19 The problem at the moment is , we 've been on Word Processor up to now , but the designer is designing a programme at the moment , so I do n't have a programme to show you because it 's with the designer , erm all we 've got is the diary , that we 're kind of like again on the word processor , that we 're producing tonight .
20 When I went to drama school it was all very new to me so I did n't have any real comparisons to make — which is a good thing .
21 So I did n't have the same opportunities as other young people in the post-war years .
22 And I was married to a soldier so I did n't have any family round about me at the time so it was it was pretty hard .
23 I was still there , I was in er it was classed as a reserved occupation , so I did n't have to go to the war .
24 If I 'm not teaching I 'm marking in th to actually get a lecture through cos I was given this with about a weeks ' notice you see , so I did n't have a chance to prepare the stuff for this course other than as we go along Right ?
25 and he made me feel right guilty yesterday I , I had to buy a packet about three o'clock , so I did n't have any until three o'clock and then talk to the cat and I thought no it 's no good , Margaret I 'll have to hide this packet up
26 Amana 's just sat on that chair with a so I did n't have anything to do Yes , I have a whole fire drill recorded on tape !
27 I was very pleased er when I came to put the book together to find that er most of er most of the actual walks corresponded with what was on the paper , which was nice , so I did n't have to waste much time .
28 But ee , if Miss comes in I do n't have to do it , I just hand it over to Miss and bugger off .
29 passed through , because they did n't stop at Needham and er but I always thought , you see , there were , I do n't know several clerks in that office as I remember but I ca n't remember who they were anyway I did n't have , we did n't have much to do with them .
30 it 's just I do n't have any Ventolin .
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