Example sentences of "[adv] i [vb base] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Come on your potty 's in here darling , come on you 'll trip over if you try and walk too far like that , come on I 've got to no come on .
2 Put the driver on I want to talk to the driver .
3 Only I 've got to erm Ashley Road , I mean , I can go
4 Perhaps I 've tried to be too clever , she thought , reading up world affairs , and he thinks that 's all I want to talk about .
5 Obviously I 've got to be extremely careful about what I say concerning the referee .
6 And it was all in a bunch , so I 've had to sort of unhook it .
7 So I 've got to be very careful .
8 So I 've got to er one I 've got it diaried to meet you and Keith about a press launch and er a you know a press release
9 So I 've got to be there to fill it back up again .
10 I 've been going to bed at half past one and I was doing the T M A for two nights , then I 've been doing his V A T for two nights so I 've got to bed really really late and I just and , the thing is , the T M A were all on about my then I just start to relax I had to resort to herbal knockout drops .
11 So I 've got to sort of I 've got ta record a .
12 East Devon District Council has looked at the paperwork and has realized that the Community Council is going to match anything that they give , so I 've spoken to their recycling officer and he thinks that the way the budget is , we 're very likely to get one of the containers from them , which would be matched by another from the Community Council .
13 So I try to stick to things that are cheap and simple , like the French fluorescent skipping rope that I bought last week .
14 So I think writing to John to thank him .
15 So I think turning to the er suggested resolutions , they 're four main issues with and firstly that we are dissatisfied er with the method and needs consultation .
16 So I have to say to you that whilst I 'm putting these forward , it 's absolutely clear that we would be having adverse comments and criticism er , from the S S I , and that you would be moving into areas that I ca n't recommend to you , but I , I put them forward as obviously illustrations .
17 But nevertheless I do want to er , bring home to you the underlying strength of our businesses there 's no question , we 're very wel very well faced for , for an upturn .
18 Anyway I 've spoken to and is tied up until February which is fine because
19 And just finally I think compared to Europe we 've got a lot to be proud of .
20 Just I 've run to the toilet .
21 ‘ We did not realise what it meant and the more I have listened to them it is fair comment that they are saying it is too much .
22 The nearest I 've come to being arrested in the line of duty was when I was told to go out onto the streets , microphone in hand , and smile at people .
23 ‘ The nearest I 've come to celebrity so far is sharing canapés with Samantha Fox on the Jonathan Ross show .
24 ‘ It is the nearest I have come to being smacked .
25 Definitely , yes , I would say like I 've spoke to Brian Horton on Sunday and he more or less said that it 's er Oxford United , fourth position in the league , let's hope so like you know , they are like , and I 've come here maybe to help get them in a better position .
26 No , because I thought wicked you know , I 've for Monday I get to bloody fucking lie in bed and then like I have to go to flipping school and bloody give it back .
27 no , what I 'm saying is I think that 's something that the B A I E education committee nationally should sit down and have a look at , I mean it may well be that at the end of the day Napier would set a better exam paper than they would er , also I 've suggested to them and again they have n't that Napier validate the course do the marking but with perhaps two B A I E fellows
28 Whenever I 've enthused to practitioners about the advantages of LM 's they 've always expressed confusion about the procedures involved and in particular the complications that they see in using teaspoons , tablespoons and glasses .
29 So , I 'm fed up I want to go to Malita And then we get , they 'll call in and say you have n't come up there for a week !
30 Principles at nine fifteen though I 've got to one
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