Example sentences of "[adv] i [vb past] [pers pn] do " in BNC.

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1 So I said to her she said would you like to go to the Regal so I said I do n't mind .
2 Well when you all went , as you all left , when the last lot of redundancies were made , I said I 'm not paying no more union , Judith come over about the union meeting , I said I 'm not going to the meeting Judith and I said I want to come out of the union I 'm not paying any more , I said I ca n't afford ten pound a month for crap , well me and Jan had a big barney over it cos I never got on with her anyway and we had a big fucking row about it , she said the union this , the union that , I said where were the unions with my mates , they were n't in damn site , they were never there , we never saw one union representative from the day Audrey got done and we never ever saw erm till the last one got done , I said so do n't you tell me about the union I said they did fuck all , they were n't even here , so I said I do n't want to pay the union , and I said do n't tell me what to do Jane , I said what I do with me money is up to me I said get me out the union and get me out now , and then they all started , they all wanted to come out of it then , oh Maureen I think I might but what would Debbie say , I said Maureen do you ask her for a shit ?
3 They 'd write a poem for her about my greatest fear , I said I remember last year there was a boy called Ali and he wrote a story about a poem about this bird and cos he was really scared of that and so I said I do n't suppose any of you will write about being scared of me except perhaps Adine !
4 Cos she 's very , so I said you do n't want anything at all ?
5 So I thought I do n't have a lot of money in flat , not that I have a lot , but we like it out of way do n't we ?
6 she says er oh she says do n't wait in , I says it 's alright do n't wait in , but I said if there 's nobody in I said they do n't get in
7 Well I thought I do n't but
8 I said well I said I do n't know if they 're alright for her cos I have n't seen her so I ca n't tell .
9 Well I said I do n't think that 's to e you should pay two stamps myself !
10 Well no , I started to do that , then I , then I thought we do n't play the customer .
11 No matter what , no matter how accurate my allowances were , this is why I said I do n't really think it matters .
12 Why I said I do n't think it matters I said cos I think
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