Example sentences of "[adv] is it [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If there are patients waiting to see the ENP , how long is it reasonable for them to wait while she is treating someone else ?
2 So is it safe to be sanguine about Labour 's procedures , given the mood which deepened in the early 1980S and which strives for even greater accountability in the Labour Party , of which this rule is an example ?
3 It is obvious that , not only is it necessary for students with disabilities to have reasonable transport , but that their transport often has to be specially adapted .
4 The Mind assesses their relative importance , and thus not only is it capable of analysis and disassociation of individual sensations but it can also synthesize a series of sensations into a single whole .
5 Not only is it close to the coast but also to a large river , the Kumbukan .
6 Arguments will no doubt be made that such a division is unrealistic ; but , in my view , not only is it essential for solving resource problems ; it is also a division which is made now , albeit not explicitly .
7 Not only is it possible for both men and women to have intercourse well into old age , but many of them do .
8 Now is it appropriate for central government to say this policy for unem for employment should apply across the whole country .
9 How far is it attributable to more generally prevailing patterns of teaching and classroom organization in primary schools , including those commended by Leeds LEA ?
10 well is it likely to be in the
11 How is it possible for someone to take my or anybody 's sin upon himself ?
12 How is it possible for Christ 's death to affect me ?
13 How is it possible for a computer to discover things ?
14 How is it possible for a creature to form means — end plans for reaching a desired object , plans within which other objects are represented as instruments to the overall end ?
15 How is it possible for an external symbol , as well as one in the internal representational medium of the creature 's mind , to be employed by one animal and perceived by another as a request for a specific tool ?
16 How is it possible for a creature to perceive apparent movement , or to distinguish visually between replacement , motion , and change ?
17 One starts from the question of mind and behaviour and asks : ‘ How is it possible for a physical system , the brain , to produce this ? ’
18 If Deffenbacher is correct in his conclusion that effective arousal manipulations result in an impairment of memory , how is it possible for Heuer and Reisberg ( 1990 ) to conclude just the opposite , both from their experimental results and a review of previous research ?
19 How is it compatible with other findings of social class differences in domesticity — both those discussed in Chapter 4 and those suggested by other writers ?
20 Can anyone go along to Fast Forward then is it open to all comers .
21 When is it likely to be quiet ? ’ ,
22 But this answer is still not satisfactory , for the question remains , why is it necessary for such a unitary space and time to be other than a phenomenological space and time ?
23 On the assumption that most parties in the House wish to remain in NATO , why is it necessary for the United Kingdom to have a capability of this kind , in addition to the United States capability ?
24 If there is to be more defence co-operation in Europe , why is it necessary for Britain to have its own capability , in addition to that of France ?
25 Why is it necessary for them to make such a claim ?
26 but why is it necessary to , why is n't the Centenary Sports Ground and it 's at Road .
27 Why is it different from Shakespeare ?
28 ‘ But why is it important for me to be fashionable ? ’
29 What is corporate planning , why is it important for businesses , large or small , and how does it help to improve performance ?
30 Why is it important within organisations ?
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