Example sentences of "[adv] is [pers pn] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 How is it that a large cavern with a high roof may be formed underground ?
2 Wittgenstein explicitly rejects what Locke and Brentano unquestioningly accept , namely that there is a perfectly proper epistemological question , ‘ How is it that a person can say what he himself believes , expects , hopes , and so on ? ’ to which the answer is that he must have observed in himself a mental operation , process , state , or whatever you like to call it , of believing , expecting , hoping , and so on .
3 How is it that a method which has failed elsewhere in relevantly similar circumstances suffices to yield knowledge this time ?
4 Again , this may explain that phenomenon which is central to the relevance of discourse analysis to language teaching : how is it that a student with an advanced proficiency in pronunciation , grammar , and lexis somehow fails to use these language skills to communicate successfully ?
5 We find Makarenko by the 1930s writing , ‘ How is it that the resistance of materials is studied in all higher technical institutes , while in the pedagogical institutes no study is made of the resistance of personalities to educational measures ? ’ .
6 How is it that the sociologists and oral historians who interview and record the elderly have not already countered the derogatory myth of old age as helpless degeneration ?
7 How is it that The Times is the only British newspaper with a man in Hawaii , and yet has been scooped ? ’
8 If we can notice differences in people , then how is it that the IAAF and other governing bodies do not notice them as well and start target-testing them during the winter months ?
9 How is it that the demand for an independent Sikh state , once seen as the beginning of a threat to the unity of India , suddenly looks like an idea whose time has gone ?
10 How is it that the majority of people are given such a highly distorted overall picture of the nature and incidence of sexual violence ?
11 How is it that the United States ' ( and British ) military machine — more American troops and weapons than in Europe at the height of the cold war — is pounding away , day after day , at a low-tech Third World enemy ?
12 How is it that the experience will ever end ?
13 How is it that the people come to be discussing certain issues
14 It was young and shy Nadine on duty , so I got a large portion of chicken in white wine sauce with rice ( how is it that the French can cook rice that never sticks ? ) and a bottle of Pils for next to nothing .
15 In terms of Fig. 10–5 , if is established , how is it that the number of workers recorded as unemployed is measured between points 2 and 4 rather than the real wage falling so that labour market equilibrium is established at Trade union power is an obvious explanation and is explored further in the context of coalitions below .
16 How is it that the tropics generate , or at least harbour , so many species and how is it that these can coexist ?
17 As often we are at the mercy of his laconic whim : why is it that no trust is involved ?
18 Why is it that no movement of spiritual renewal has ever lasted longer than the third generation ?
19 Why is it that every time you open that pretty little mouth of yours a viper speaks ? ’ he said angrily .
20 Probing questions are asked : Why is it that a number of students , broadly successful across most of their subjects , have all done badly in …
21 Why is it that a specific person has the indefinable ‘ It ’ and another has not ?
22 Why is it that a cup of tea goes down so well ?
23 But why is it that the League 's longest-serving manager , the fan-bashing , clown-chasing old iconoclast at Nottingham Forest , has one of the best-behaved teams ?
24 Why is it that the Americans seem better able to cope with the idea of a flexible retirement age ?
25 Why is it that the psychic gifts often cause apprehension and even fear ?
26 When eating out , why is it that the next table 's conversation is often so much more fascinating and intriguing ?
27 Why is it that the Association does not enlist the services of former Wimbledon Champion , Virginia Wade , or Wimbledon singles semi-finalist , Roger Taylor not as paid employees , but as committee members helping to set out strategic plans for the future ?
28 Why is it that the pokes never work for me ?
29 By themselves , these facts do not stand as a complete answer to the challenge : if the industrial co-operative form of organisation is more efficient than the conventional form , why is it that the first has not displaced the second but has remained until recently a negligible feature of the economy and , even now , can hardly be said to have become so far of more than marginal importance ?
30 Why is it that the simple act of purchasing something can often be hell ?
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