Example sentences of "[adv] is [pers pn] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Especially is it difficult when a child can remember her own mother , and had in fact seen her again some months before .
2 and I do n't think you gave evidence that you shouted armed police yourself , so is it right that it was only shouted one time just immediately after the second door opened ?
3 So is it okay if I eat it all ?
4 Not only is it bulletproof but it will also give you privacy to speak to the ambassador .
5 Not only is it hepatotoxic but trace concentrations have been shown to interfere seriously with the breeding performance of male mice .
6 Not only is it cheaper than other methods but , with experience , it is also sensitive .
7 To assert that conduct is orderly is , from our point of view , to imply that it is directed by a sense of social propriety — that not only is it non-random but that it is both generated and limited by prescriptions and the possibility of sanction , in particular the sanction of expressed disapproval .
8 Not only is it quiet but it does n't frighten the rabbits in the way a shotgun does .
9 and all of this leads natural to the final fifth proposition not only does the bible teach that all may be saved , not only does it teach that however that not all will be saved , not only is it true and clear that some will be saved and we do not , do not , do not expect to be saved , not only is it quite clear that others will not be saved , who we expected to be saved , but finally it is quite clear that no one will be saved except by God 's way , and God 's way of salvation is very simply by repentance and faced .
10 More than ever is it apparent that Jack Brymer 's beautifully played long solo clarinet cadenza was recorded separately from the rest of the score and in a slightly different acoustic , but this is only a very slight distraction .
11 Now is it appropriate that we start with its nose ?
12 Now is it easier if you write you them one under the other do you think ?
13 How far is it inevitable that the manipulation of fact for the purposes of fiction leads to romanticising ?
14 But leaving dowry aside , how far is it true that payments of brideprice ( bridewealth ) from the husband 's kin to the wife 's kin always serve to " legitimize the children of the marriage " ) As usual the answer is not straightforward .
15 How is it possible that what will prove to be an act of technological genocide has been carried out in the name of international law ?
16 How is it possible that the distinction between nation and state still escapes intelligent people on the British Left ?
17 How is it possible that a black hole appears to emit particles when we know that nothing can escape from within its event horizon ?
18 With such a clear overview and a balanced feminist perspective in your History of the World NI 196 , how is it possible that you failed to mention the witch burning of the 16th and 17th centuries , when nine million women , men and children were executed ?
19 Yes it has , and as my mind races back over nearly four decades I can not help but smile , how is it possible that everything has changed so much ?
20 And how is it possible that , to all appearances , neither the Treasury nor its chief secretary knew about it ?
21 How then is it possible that a gesture I saw performed by one person , a gesture that was connected to her , that characterized her and was part of her individual charm , could at the same time be the essence of another person and my dreams of her ?
22 Then is it possible that Harry interfered with legend ?
23 Why is it odd that I should try to help her when she is in difficulties ? ’
24 In making these comments , one begins to ask , ‘ why is it necessary that they be made ? ’ .
25 1 Why is it important that all patients are well nourished prior to surgery ?
26 Now why is it important that we get When we sort of fire neutron in we get at least one neutron coming out ?
27 Why is it important that the legal monopoly should be only temporary ?
28 So why is it important that the kill has to continue .
29 why is it important that the thighs are strong and light ?
30 Why is it sweet or not ?
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