Example sentences of "[adv] is [adv] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 The router John uses is in fact a Makita laminate trimmer , which has long collar so is easily mounted in the jig .
2 This thought is directed against the Tractatus view of language , the picture theory of meaning , and so is partly expressed in the language of that theory .
3 In many rural areas the tree was deemed sacred and thus is widely planted in churchyards .
4 It can not live on timber with a moisture content of less than 25 per cent and thus is usually found in situations too damp for dry rot .
5 The question whether the curriculum is relevant or not is often posed in terms of what a child may need to know , when he leaves the protective environment of school .
6 The Portsmouth design has been and still is commonly used in houses .
7 That human listeners can find the correct interpretation extremely rapidly is dramatically illustrated in Marslen-Wilson & Welsh 's ( 1978 ) close shadowing experiments .
8 Cinematic signification again taken generically is further de-differentiated in that it portrays the primary process and sexuality , not as a deep otherness , but as erupting on the very surface of representations .
9 That this order was sometimes carried out is now confirmed in The Secret Hunters by Anthony Kemp ( 1986 ) , where it is revealed that on Operation Loyton , to quote one example , captured S.A.S. soldiers were shot in the locality of Moussey , between Luneville and Strasbourg .
10 The pro-Palestinian stance of Nationalism Today is clearly expressed in issue number forty-two ( undated , but published in early 1988 ) : ‘ The eradication of Zionism , by the liberation of Palestine , remains the only hope for true peace in the Middle East ’ ( p. 10 ) .
11 To take a rather obvious example , women 's liberation today is better understood in the light of its ambient social and economic circumstances than as the inevitable culmination of the nineteenth-century suffragette movement .
12 The incident referred to here is fully described in the ‘ Chronicle ’ section of the Annual Register for 1775 under the date of 27 Sept .
13 Homes remained often uncomfortable of course , and the pub was still a major centre of social life , but the late nineteenth century also saw the growth of a greater emphasis on home , and of new leisure opportunities for both adults which in London particularly is best epitomised in the music hall .
14 The relevant statement reads , The policy will fight all land outside existing rural areas other than when is specifically indicated in the structure planning in local plan .
15 But the reason why Dworkin 's rights thesis appears too narrow to generate a right of participation is because it too is firmly grounded in a gesellschaft model of law and society in which virtually the only interests which are considered capable of generating rights in the strong sense are those appropriate for abstract individuals pursuing their own private interests .
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