Example sentences of "[adv] it is [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 This is a nice idea but naturally it is impossible to completely separate mathematical and non-mathematical routines , and there are overheads such as writing to the screen which can affect the results .
2 From the tracks alone it is possible to be certain of the bipedal stance of certain dinosaurs , and to measure their stride .
3 Perhaps it is due to superstition , but can we do without such superstitions ? ’
4 Perhaps it is due to the disproportionate numbers killed for food , or possibly that becoming vegetarian is an unmistakable gesture that it is within anyone 's competence to make .
5 Perhaps it is used to us picking out its feet , and filing them , and yet it will not stand still for the farrier .
6 So if you can not decide what the icon that looks like a milk churn with an overgrown mushroom beside it means you can select it and discover that it means Paste Clipboard contents — oh perhaps it is supposed to be a drawing pin besides a board but you could have fooled me !
7 Obviously it is impossible to be sure who he meant by it , and Freeman , who noticed this long ago , suggested that he was indicating troops levied mainly within the western shires .
8 Obviously it is likely to be quiet in an empty hall or in a field ; it is likely to be noisy when a crowd of people are talking together all at the same time .
9 So I think I 'm asking for just a bit more , more talks and where there is a , a home or homes in a rural area that may be the only home in that area , so it is available to local people that Social Services come in and there in an understanding in planning authorities first and now the actual criteria we 're working on because most local people will think that home is for local people .
10 so it is salutary to be reminded of just how good a composer he could be , how inventive , how much sheer skill he had .
11 The Lithuanian order is an unusually large one so it is likely to be at the bottom end of that range .
12 Er so it is important to them .
13 This change of atmosphere is important because the scope and effectiveness of statutory ouster clauses is a matter of statutory interpretation , and so it is open to the courts , by interpreting ouster clauses more or less strictly , to regulate access to judicial review .
14 Therefore , despite the extent of his knowledge , the further we recede from the date at which he wrote , and the geographical area on which he is most forthcoming , the less it is possible to be confident that important events were not omitted from his work .
15 Thus it is prior to the system of government , not part of it , and its rules can not be derived from that system .
16 By contrast , within EC law , it is the effect or purpose of an agreement that determines whether or not it is subject to the law .
17 In addition , the relatively small number of alternative dwellings available to families who have to live in specific rural locations may mean that they have to take and retain whatever dwelling is available , whether or not it is appropriate to their needs .
18 The more people get their hands on it , the more it is likely to be used .
19 Now more than ever it is important to be a force for change .
20 Language is a social institution of a kind ; and self-evidently it is open to all sorts of change .
21 Afterwards , the finished article is inevitably subjected to stresses , hence it is important to be aware of the mechanical and rheological properties of each material and understand the basic principles underlying their response to such forces .
22 SAS is n't religious , he says and will port to any volume platform whenever it is able to .
23 Clearly it is difficult to be dogmatic about faunas of this age , when such short time-spans are involved , and it is also difficult to be sure that particular species are more time-controlled than facies-controlled .
24 Having uncovered so much that is praiseworthy so far it is nice to be able to carry on and commend the sound .
25 All too often it is easy to be casual about every-day chores on the farm .
26 Because its characteristics can be treated mathematically it is central to quality control via samples .
27 Because its characteristics can be treated mathematically it is central to quality control via samples .
28 Today it is close to 50 per cent and giants such as Bass and Whitbread , once proud names in ale brewing , now trumpet the fact that more than half of their production goes to lager .
29 Well it is supposed to be talking about managing the system and not d not taking people 's e professional expertise away from them .
30 ( Here it is superior to the American version , which attempted to describe the technology and was rapidly outdated . )
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