Example sentences of "[adv] it would seem that " in BNC.

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1 As you get more energy back when two light nuclei fuse than it costs to get them together it would seem that we are bound to win .
2 So it would seem that children may assist one parent to care for the other who might otherwise go into a home , but apart from this they have to residential homes for some while caring for and thus avoiding the admission of others , and that these two influences cancel each other out in the statistics .
3 So it would seem that people in homes where they were free to have a doctor of their own choice were not seen as being more deprived of visits in spite of having fewer of them than people in homes where everyone had the same doctor .
4 So it would seem that the ghost of William Terris will haunt Covent Garden Station whenever he pleases , but the object of his frequent appearances will remain a mystery .
5 So it would seem that an essential fact which had escaped Lanfranc 's notice had come out in Anselm 's talks with Osbern .
6 So it would seem that even a defence may be an abuse of process if it is not based on private rights .
7 Thus it would seem that the ‘ dawn of civilisation ’ , so often quoted in a context suggesting that it represents a fairly finite occurrence taking a relatively short space of time , did , in all probability cover a very long time indeed , perhaps many thousands of years .
8 Very broadly it would seem that most countries in western and northern Europe have about 4 — 6 per cent of their population aged 65 + resident in some form of institution .
9 Not a mark on him so it must have been natural causes ; anyway it would seem that he comes back to his old home or sort of stamping ground .
10 Very roughly it would seem that the predominant tongues in what came to be called Scotland were , from 600 BC to 300 BC , Early Celtic ; from then until AD800 , Pictish Celtic ; from An 800 to 1200 , Gaelic Celtic ; and thereafter , English .
11 Now it would seem that they are not only to be denied an increase , but also to be faced with a reduction .
12 But it is clear that if , as we have said , death from suicide is relatively common in Britain and most funeral services take place within the Christian context , then it would seem that the church needs to look at this whole subject again with a great deal more openness than has been possible up to now .
13 If one accepts that the area of the event horizon is analogous to entropy , then it would seem that the surface gravity is analogous to temperature .
14 Even there it would seem that he was known because a woman came to him and asked him to drive out an unclean spirit from her daughter .
15 Consequently it would seem that UITF Consensus No 3 does not apply .
16 And indeed it would seem that it was only at about this time , in the Europe of the late-sixteenth century , that a few thoughtful men first began to think seriously about the moral nature of mankind as a whole , as against the older , narrower concept of the moral nature of " ourselves " , God 's chosen people , ranged against " the others " , the barbarians , who were only part men , unnatural monsters , beasts .
17 Indeed it would seem that these paintings undercut their initial didacticism and that order is evoked primarily to bring it into question .
18 Yet it would seem that Lenin well understood the kind of mediation that would be required between bureaucracy and the working class and that this is shown by his emphasis on the need to prevent the bureaucracy emerging under socialism as the privileged social stratum it had been under capitalism .
19 The histological recognition of dysplasia is the very cornerstone of surveillance yet it would seem that the process of tissue collection to final diagnosis is susceptible to a number of pitfalls .
20 Certainly it would seem that the FAA and McDonnell Douglas did not appreciate the significance of the Vanguard accident when considering the NTSB recommendations on the Windsor accident even though the report was available to them .
21 The Directive allows more stringent requirements and therefore it would seem that the present UK practice ( and its lower initial threshold ) can be continued , which may help UK companies fearful of predators .
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