Example sentences of "[adv] it be that [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So it is that tomorrow , ITV will screen a profile of the man who spent the first eight years of his life in Abyssinia ( now Ethiopia ) and graduated to serious eccentricity via an English prep school ( where he was beaten ) , Eton ( where he learned to box ) and finally Oxford ( where he was a boxing blue and acquired the dramatically-bent nose which for six decades has lent drama to what would in any case have been a distinguished face ) .
2 So it is that even events from the distant past " were written down for our instruction " in order that in the present and for the future " by encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope " .
3 So it was that about half an hour later the telephone rang again at the vicarage .
4 Thus it was that both the sun and our faces were shining when we took the telecabin to the top of the nearest mountain and developed a habit which was to stick like glühwein : rösti — a Swiss potato cake , fried , with two eggs on top .
5 But when you bear in mind the background points ( catalysis , the interaction with radiation , the notion of turnover ) you see how it is that very small amounts of pollution really could have far reaching effects .
6 I have heard of considerably larger numbers being taken by other people but when I hear such tales I am inclined to wonder how it is that so many can become so jammed together without suffocating in such a small hole .
7 It is difficult for us now to understand how it was that so many serious thinkers in those days were prophetically-minded .
8 We can now see clearly why it is that once great state dominations appear which have the means to minutely command and control the lives of their citizens , those citizens can relieve themselves of the discomfiting need to exercise personal self-restraint or economic forethought for the simple and adequate reason that the state now exercises these ungratifying functions for them .
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