Example sentences of "[adv] it [verb] not been " in BNC.

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1 Constitutionally it had not been thought through .
2 Perhaps he 'd planned it , perhaps it had n't been a lightning urge but the first of his traps .
3 Perhaps it had n't been a good idea after all to come on this trip together .
4 This year he would n't even have the fallback option of his sister and her family , something that he always approached with a grim sense of duty and then often wound up thinking , at the end of the day , that perhaps it had n't been so bad after all .
5 Obviously it had n't been planted by Marshall ; the weed was the remains of a previous year 's crop .
6 I mean , I du n no , obviously it had n't been done , or maybe Angie undid it too much or whatever .
7 Jade is therefore very tough and would have been almost ideal for tools and weapons if only it had not been so difficult to work and so scarce .
8 So it had n't been Johnny up there this morning , after all .
9 So it had n't been a coincidence .
10 Speaking from the society 's headquarters in Edinburgh , superintendent Ron Grant — a former shepherd — summed the situation up : ‘ It 's been one of the worst winters in the west Highlands for many years and for once it 's not been snow but rather rain which has caused the problems .
11 Clearly it has not been a typical day , even for 5 Airborne Brigade ; yet such operations have taken place seventy-three times since the Second World War .
12 So far it has not been put to the test in service .
13 So far it has not been . ’
14 If he wants to do it his way and he succeeds then great , but so far it has n't been that successful .
15 Well it has n't been a complete loss .
16 Further to the first point of order , is it an order for the press to hear about the proposed rise in prescription charges before this house and would n't it have not been better if the Secretary of State to come and made a statement and we could have questioned her about it .
17 ‘ I would rather it had n't been him , but he 's done it plenty of times to me , ’ was the answer .
18 A living death , it had seemed to him and Jim , but maybe it had n't been so bad .
19 But maybe she 'd jumped to conclusions , she thought uneasily as she prepared for bed ; maybe it had n't been anything like that at all .
20 Or maybe it had n't been so pathetic .
21 I had previously caught two individuals of H. tricolor in the Malaise trap but until then it had not been recorded in Britain although it was known from Germany and Japan .
22 Rogers felt relieved : at least it had n't been a flamer .
23 At least it had n't been a look of animosity , as before , thought Juliet .
24 Yet it had not been especially noble of me .
25 Main had been promised by the Cunningham party that he would regain his place , yet it had not been done .
26 Yet it has not been built without cost .
27 On the other hand , he could not remember a time when it had not been taken for granted the Hall would one day be his own .
28 Well for example one of the things , one of the consistent kinds of changes that seems to have occurred is an attempt to deny polytheism , but there are lots of places in the Bible where it has n't been consistent and where God on occasions speaks in the Bible erm as if other gods could exist , like I , I , I 'm the Lord , I 'm a jealous god .
29 Upon the accession taking effect , the Basic Law of the FRG … shall enter into force in the Länder of Brandenburg , Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , Saxony , Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia and in that part of Land Berlin where it has not been valid to date , subject to the amendments arising from Article 4 , unless otherwise provided in this Treaty .
30 This explained why it had not been possible to get four separate channels of sound out of the record .
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