Example sentences of "[adv] to all the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The profession owes much to all the good work done by the tutors .
2 Erm well we had a a big raffle erm we wrote away to all the local shops and restaurants ask them to donate prizes and we raised a lot of money through that and also my mum erm cooked Indian snacks which we sold during the interval erm which everyone loved and so it worked quite well .
3 Some basic features of the Von Neumann computer do not carry over to all the other designs we will study , for it can be characterized as a word-oriented , single-address binary computer .
4 This charming 3 star hotel is located in a peaceful street in the Staten Quarter of The Hague , close to all the principal attractions of The Hague and Scheveningen .
5 A superbly run elegant hotel situated in the heart of The Hague close to all the major attractions including the Parliament Building and a very exclusive shopping area .
6 The Bel Air Hotel is conveniently located just outside the city centre close to all the major attractions of The Hague and just 2 km away from the famous beaches of Scheveningen .
7 A delightful hotel situated in the heart of The Hague close to all the major attractions including the Parliament Building and a very exclusive shopping area .
8 Thanks also to all the other organizations that helped , the Vale of White Horse District Council who allowed us to use their land , the National Rivers Authority for the use of the river , Thames Water for the use of their island and for generous sponsorship , an extra special thanks to Roger Steer , the lock keeper , for much help , kindness and understanding and to his wife for providing a seemingly endless supply of ice-cream , to Jim Croft of Slalom Sports for unfailing help and loan of computer hardware and to our local Scouts for looking after the campsite and for organizing effective first-aid cover .
9 It adds up to all the portable power you could need — at a price that 's uniquely CompuAdd .
10 Nor is it , unless applied by someone brave enough to face up to all the disturbing hypotheses that can arise in the course of it .
11 You might have noticed however , that people can spend small fortunes on themselves , go out to all the trendy places and stand around admiring themselves in their fashionable clothes but find that no one thinks any better of them for it .
12 For babies who seem to react badly to all the different formula feeds , the possibility of some other cause , such as an infection , should be reconsidered .
13 They remind me a little of Georges Bataille 's pre-war secret cult , Acephale , whose goal was to get rid of the head — starting with the moral guardian in one 's own head , the super-ego , then moving on to all the other ‘ heads ’ ( the father , the State , the Law , God ) .
14 It is a multi-layered work , setting a poem written to commemorate the death of Abraham Lincoln , but dedicated equally to all the dead of the American Civil War and written in the immediate aftermath of the death of Franklin D Roosevelt and the end of the Second World War .
15 Apparently Hanna Brunner has offered to come forward and give evidence in court about your behaviour to your fellow artistes , and Hans has said he is making it plain to all the other agents that none of his clients will be allowed to sing in Hochhauser and he recommends that they do the same . ’
16 You just can not pay attention continuously to all the different variables in a situation and remain sane at the end of the day , you have to develop routines and techniques for handling it .
17 The very best Halls in London were booking the Girls and there were exciting prospects of travelling abroad to all the major capitals .
18 The one who would go round to all the different clubs and people 's houses and do the cooking there .
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