Example sentences of "[adv] to be as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was easy to sink into a sort of limbo , where nothing seemed any longer to be as important as it had been .
2 The years of steady expansion were over , although achieving the hoped-for cuts was not to be as easy as the centre expected .
3 The proofreading seems not to be as accurate here as in the rest of the book , and there are some flaws in the details concerning the manuscripts and the discussion of the settings .
4 The Kent County cricketing team came again , beating Henley 20 — 2 although the Standard bravely reported it ‘ not to be as one-sided as it might appear ’ .
5 However these products tend not to be as rich in calcium as dairy products and red fish .
6 This will be wonderful in the bookshops as she has returned to the ghost story , and although it is reputed not to be as good as The Woman in Black , its sales are going to be .
7 Because a colour system requires three dots ( one for each primary ) at each point on the screen , resolution tends not to be as good as a similarly-sized monochrome display .
8 I was careful not to be as blatant with Émile .
9 It is n't their height but their shapely form that attracts discerning hillgoers , and since many of the tops are not included in tick lists — some of the Scottish ones do n't even get Corbett status — they tend not to be as popular as their loftier neighbours .
10 This affords Brown a chance to explore the planet which he believes not to be as dead as it first appears .
11 I 've heard that Chinese carrots tend not to be as reliable as some Eastern European ones …
12 The workshop classes were a mixture of all grades of academy , and it was here that I found common ground absorbing my trade instruction ; and happily in this field I was able not to be as conspicuous as I was at school .
13 I 'll try not to be as shaky this morning .
14 ‘ I try not to be as foolish u the doctor , and not to blunder in where the Inspector wishes to go quietly .
15 So , when I wanted to grow slightly tender plants in my none-too-mild Midlands garden , I decided to bring them up to be as tough as possible .
16 This option might have to be taken up in the future when the V-bombers reached the end of their operational lives , unless the TSR 2 turned out to be as effective as the RAF hoped , and was able to extend the life of the airborne nuclear deterrent indefinitely .
17 If the hypnotist does not turn out to be as trustworthy as expected , this can be extremely dangerous .
18 This can not be said of the colourful house , which turns out to be as likeable as its architect .
19 Since he held by patent he could not be displaced and the work was executed by his deputy , Thomas Atkins , who turned out to be as dishonest and self-seeking as his principal .
20 But if they all turn out to be as cantankerous as this one , Mr Buksh will probably be happy to steer clear of them .
21 Dorothea had told Florence Ames the story of Gaily in the church twice before , and neither of them was yet tired of it , Dorothea because it pleased her friend so to hear it , and Florence because it pleased her that the man had been somehow vindicated , turned out to be as good as she had thought , and a friend .
22 Would the prospects turn out to be as good as in the 1970s ?
23 For the next two hours she was absorbed in the film , which turned out to be as good as she had hoped .
24 The androids are created in our own image , and turn out to be as good , and as bad , as us .
25 Becky turned out to be as good as her word , keeping the accounts in what she described as ‘ apple-pie order ’ and even opening a set of books for Trumper 's barrow .
26 If you are planning to try them again this year , take the precaution of choosing quick-maturing varieties in case this summer does n't turn out to be as sunny .
27 He was prepared for a battle if the porter turned out to be as difficult a customer as his wife .
28 But the notion of an instrument turns out to be as empty as his posturing .
29 It held biscuits that turned out to be as hard as diamondwood .
30 If , however , we do apply anthropological and linguistic perspectives to this recent work on the consequences of literacy , as I claim we must despite its claim to protection from them , then that work in fact turns out to be as biased as that of the earlier phases .
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