Example sentences of "[adv] to [pers pn] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Yet it is sometimes easy to be dazzled by the well-intentioned enthusiasm of a Vicki Hearne , or by false philosophy , into misunderstanding or down-playing the differences , and because it comes naturally to us to say that both we and the dog are angry , or frightened , we conclude that what goes for the human must go for the animal , making certain allowances for sensuous and anatomical variations .
2 Between now and Sunday it 's down to you to decide that you definitely want to go ahead and be confirmed .
3 You would just say things that pop in to you mind and er it 's essential of course , if you 're gon na do dream analysis properly , that you must obey that rule .
4 I have no quantitative evidence for this , and the reasons are a matter for speculation , but the difficulties some users have in getting through to us show that a remarkable degree of persistence is sometimes demanded .
5 I went over to him wondering if something was wrong or if he was just being lazy .
6 In her confusion , as she continued the preparations for the meal , she looked over to him to ascertain that she had not given offence .
7 It has been said that an order of mandamus ought not to he made if the respondent is doing all it reasonably can to remedy its breach of duty .
8 Everyone close to her knew that Elinor 's unspoken dream was that Miranda — her only remaining unmarried granddaughter — should marry into the British aristocracy .
9 The phone on the wall close to her rang and she picked it up at the second ring .
10 They knew all the people entering the hall , and those that occupied seats close to them smiled and spoke to them .
11 The villagers close to it believed that the Dark Ireland was about to ride into the world , but only Medoc rode out , astride a coal-black horse , with Maeve thrown across the saddle before him .
12 The Clown was racing alongside and Lollo and I were showing off to him whooing and waving .
13 It was up to her to rectify that as best she could .
14 Now it was up to her to prove that Josey was right .
15 It was up to her to try and work out a plan of escape , but without expert help that was n't going to be easy .
16 look into this erm we always consult with the water authorities on any planning application and it is up to them to say whether there should be flooding or not .
17 First , it is up to them to ensure that " an effective system of medical audit is in place " ( DOH 1989 : 6 ) and agree its overall form with the profession locally .
18 Robbo quite rightly got his chance and it was up to me to decide whether I wanted to fight for my place or not .
19 Just before we were to go upstairs to be photographed , an agitated Nigel Lawson came up to me saying that he wanted a word .
20 It is not up to us to forget or forgive the crime that Germany committed only a few decades ago ; the only ones who might have done so died on the battlefield or , worse yet , in the gas chambers .
21 Ryan was one of our own , you might say , came from the village , so it was up to us to try and put it right .
22 In summary : ‘ I explain what I think of your performance but after that it 's up to you to respond and I 'll listen constructively . ’
23 It was up to you to see that you were justified .
24 So it is up to you to see that this does not happen , by creating circumstances in which they can continue to develop their relationship ‘ which his mother has every right to expect to be an on-going one , even in her old age .
25 Matilda stays where she is and it is up to you to see that she behaves herself . ’
26 ‘ Well , it would be entirely up to you to decide whether that really is the best way to go about solving this problem .
27 Your imagination is possibly one of the greatest gifts you possess and it is up to you to cherish and improve it .
28 You are running this council and it up to you to ensure that you do not create employ because if that is what you 're admitting to you 're
29 But if she thinks it 's worth the risk , then it 's up to you to try and contain that risk — make sure there 's nothing to trip over , and that someone who can react quickly is on hand to give tactful support where necessary .
30 He came rushing across the garden while she sewed and she called out to him to come and try the sleeves .
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