Example sentences of "[adv] to [noun sg] on the " in BNC.

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1 Bring arms back down to side on the out-breath ( steps 4–6 ) .
2 Day 2 I travelled to Kasuma calling in to tabora on the way , ( about 4 3/4 hours . )
3 I continued along a path over the bluffs following a waymarked nature trail , where the main animal life seemed to be a few pregnant sheep blowing about dangerously close to death on the rocks below .
4 Mrs Stych wrung her hands behind the reporter 's back , and wished passionately she could run home to Mother on the pig farm ; she longed suddenly for the smell of hens and milk , for a place where nobody had to keep up appearances or be other than what they were .
5 His beautiful and adored mother quickly appeared from the sitting-room and hugged him nearly to death on the doorstep .
6 It 's very important that you keep your international stance — but to also keep up to date on the more traditional demands of the women 's movement is important too .
7 It only remained then , in this tight little half-hour programme , for David Attenborough to bring us up to date on the mountain gorillas of Rwanda — they are mainly alive and moderately well but not thanks to poachers — and for Mr Soper to have a fleeting swipe at the conservation intentions of the government , and it was all over .
8 The final humiliation came when Branson and Draper flew out to Munich to see Oldfield perform in concert and bring him up to date on the current situation .
9 I can think of no other person in the Anti-Apartheid Movement who knows more and is more up to date on the current situation in South Africa .
10 Walking through the woods at the back of Westfield Manor , Patrick brought him up to date on the burglar who had committed murder to get hold of a packet of letters , and the macabre business of the switched bodies .
11 The Council 's first President had taken the position extremely seriously , and in addition to his ceremonial duties had invited the Chairman and Chief Officer at regular intervals , often twice a year , to meet with him , to discuss matters of interest to him , and to bring him up to date on the Council 's activities .
12 The other thing perhaps I could just say , chairman , is that I did meet a representative of the district auditor last week to bring you up to date on the work which the education committee was doing .
13 We 'll bring you up to date on the situation later in the programme .
14 Billy used to take his bicycle up to town on the train .
15 But Grace would n't need them to go out to sea on the ebb tide .
16 He ordered them out to execution on the instant , and it was done .
17 He suggested they went out to dinner on the Saturday at a reputedly excellent roadhouse .
18 George , it has to be faced , was a bore ; he grunted and grumbled and refused to take his wife out to dinner on the grounds that the night air would bring on his fever .
19 I was taken out to dinner on the day of my arrival , and yesterday there was a ‘ coquetel ’ ( cocktail party ) after the inaugural ceremony , which contained a lot of unintelligible speeches in Portuguese .
20 Bill Gates , in London yesterday addressing sundry gatherings , notably the Institute of Directors annual convention , said he dispatched 50 messages back to base on the flight over ; asked if his impending nuptials would adversely affect Microsoft Corp , he said ‘ it takes a lot of time being single : I think being married will be very efficient . ’
21 she said it 's hard enough for people with jobs to exist today without all this and she 's gone back to college on the flexi idea , erm , brush up her typing because she said , now whether she 's thinking of future years , she said when she left here that time , although she got that job she said it was n't easy , she said because I had no bits of paper as such , although when I did the test I passed it , she said it was n't simple , so she 's doing
22 oh ca n't you go back to town on the bus ?
23 The finest material may be carried for tens of kilometres down-wind , and some of it may even stay suspended for many months , eventually falling back to earth on the other side of the globe .
24 All are lowland species whose ancestors probably inhabited lowland forests and steppe ; curiously absent from the polar tundra are montane mammals of the subpolar fringe , for example Dall ( Figure 3.14 ) and snow sheep , marmots , pikas , and upland ( Siberian and red-backed ) voles , which might have been expected to take readily to life on the low tundra ( Chernov , 1985 ) .
25 Christina followed her eagerly , laughing as she showed her friend how to body-surf on the smaller waves , and then how to dive and tread water waiting for a really big wave .
26 Late in life , having transferred his affections to the alsatian , Queenie , he became a professional bore over the superiority of animals to human beings , an obsession that led almost to derangement on the occasions when Queenie was cut by broken glass .
27 For this reason , we will not attempt an international analysis but focus closer to home on the situation in UK schools .
28 In partnership with the Staple Inn Actuarial Society , we look forward to building on the success of the first year 's issues and to the increasing use of the magazine as a means of effective two-way communications .
29 Many are being refitted with the same smart new decor which will make them easier to spot on the high street .
30 Insignia is believed to have spoken informally to Sun on the matter .
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