Example sentences of "[adv] to [noun] with the " in BNC.

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1 The neck pickup was warm and fat , the middle slightly brighter but still with lots of depth ( ideal for clean rhythm playing ) , while the bridge unit was sharp enough to create a nice shimmer through an outboard chorus , but warm enough to solo with the amp overdriving slightly .
2 New research shows that if penicillin is given early enough to patients with the deadly bacterial form of the disease , they have a much better chance of survival .
3 But , when they get down to business with the British , it is at least certain that they will not be as difficult as Mr Haughey 's government was .
4 Benny 's mother was back in the kitchen , her coat off and down to business with the icing sugar .
5 A few years ago , they went in to Europe with the deliberate aim of sabotaging any tough ban on cigarette advertising , and any insistance on tough medical warnings of the kind that appear today .
6 Many retailing organizations said they gave fixed-term contracts to seasonal workers brought in to cope with the Christmas peak .
7 Magee is off soon to France with the British World Student Games squad for a series of preparatory fixtures .
8 Er I 'd like to r er throw it over to Dennis with the er stage there , so that er we explain how far we got in addressing these management shortcomings issues .
9 Twice eighteen month old Pickle dragged himself home close to death with the noose pulled tight around his neck
10 She went off to Norfolk with the plumber and his other girlfriend and her stepkids , and it did n't work .
11 Nor was he at all happy with the idea of me swanning off to France with the Parsons .
12 Paul Crossland went off to France with the money .
13 The Squadron had originated as the idea of a New Englander , Norman Prince , who had learned to fly in Massachusetts in 1914 , and then set off to France with the intention of forming a unit for American volunteer flyers .
14 ‘ So there you go , Lou , off to Amsterdam with the Philharmonic !
15 So they all went off to lunch with the mayor , while a messenger was sent to the Registrar of Births , Marriages and Deaths to get the necessary information .
16 Between leaving school and going off to war with the Navy , he had worked on the Sharpness tugs for British Waterways .
17 The judge was entitled to conclude , as she did , that it would be wrong for the court to order that they should be moved once more to Australia with the possibility of yet a further move back again .
18 And he took his up on Norwich Hill ; took the horses out and come home to Bungay with the horses behind me on the empty cart or trolley .
19 Accordingly he returned home to Yorkshire with the firm intention of becoming a hermit .
20 Others who have not this privilege would be well advised to listen carefully to recordings with the score , and to go over many times passages which seem to them obscure or unfamiliar in sound at a first hearing .
21 Those who join are able to share experiences and keep up to date with the latest information on lung conditions , treatments and the services available .
22 Not all the parents will have a reading age of 17+ , be candidates for MENSA and be up to date with the latest educational jargon .
23 This helps to keep families up to date with the thinking of the school and strengthens the sense of identity .
24 Keep up to date with the latest news and events from the SAA .
25 Ms Fiona Reynolds of the Council for National Parks has kept me up to date with the progress of the EEC 's Agricultural Structures Review .
26 ‘ Told me to bring you up to date with the news . ’
27 You will soon be receiving your free copy of the graduate newspaper to keep you up to date with the University , your contemporaries and the graduate associations .
28 As I understand it , GPs refer patients to individual consultants , usually to the older , more experienced man who may be slowing down , rather than to the younger , inexperienced newcomer who is right up to date with the latest hi-tech mod. con. , but is afforded scant opportunity to increase his experience .
29 But there are a lot of Street addicts around who are happy to bring me up to date with the story when I get back .
30 The book is up to date with the Companies Act 1989 and all accounting and financial reporting standards and exposure drafts issued by the Accounting Standards Board up to August 1992 , including FRS2 .
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