Example sentences of "[adv] to [noun] at the " in BNC.

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1 I 'd only met Mrs Tuckett twice , once when she drove Billy down to university at the start of a term and once when she turned up to see him get his degree .
2 Swindon 's initiation into the premier league has been tough … on Saturday they went two down to Newcastle at the County Ground …
3 WREXHAM fell victim to a sucker punch for the second home match in succession , going down to goals at the end of each half at the Racecourse .
4 Balanchine , Kirstein and Tanning went down to Bournemouth at the end of June to watch a run-through by the company , which was on tour .
5 Er when it comes down to application at the local sense then at the local level , I think my colleagues might be able to er give more enlightenment on that .
6 Fourteen people sat down to dinner at the house , a local man , Thomas Jones , being employed to wait on them at table .
7 Bridget Ewing has indicated her willingness to once again stand for re-election ; however if there are any nominations for this position will you please send them in to Hilda at the Office by 2nd April or as time is short and you know of anyone who would like to be proposed — please ring Hilda with her name BUT this must be followed up with written confirmation .
8 C P D stands for Continuous Professional Development , it applies only to Nick at the moment .
9 , Norman Hector Leifchild ( ‘ Nathaniel ’ ) ( 1893–1976 ) , humorous columnist , was born 31 May 1893 at 4 Somerset Road , Ealing , Middlesex , the only surviving son ( there were also three older daughters , of whom the younger two were twins ) of William Gubbins , commercial traveller , formerly an Oxfordshire farmworker who had run away to London at the age of twelve to sell groceries , and his wife Marie Cecile Richards .
10 We go away to Canada at the weekend .
11 Such is one of my favourite swims : the top of the shelf is 2½ft deep and then it rapidly drops away to 8ft at the base .
12 This classic seven day cruise takes you along Germany 's greatest river from Cologne right through to Basle at the foot of the great Swiss alps .
13 News did not get through to Innocent at the time of the preparations for the Fourth Crusade : sometimes the news might be deliberately withheld .
14 And it 's over to Ruben at the , at the stand commentary box .
15 The pictures may return permanently to Bremen at the end of the year .
16 Yet probably The Rock relies on a form too close to extinction at the time for it to bring the whole revue to life .
17 Soon after the Iraqi onslaught , reports were received that Iraq 's two southern oil-export terminals close to Fao at the mouth of the Shatt al-Arab , Mina al-Bakr and Khor al-Amayyah , were under attack by Iranian warships .
18 They were the one side he dare not lose sight of and United are off to Highbury at the weekend only four points adrift .
19 Sandys went off to Washington at the end of January to update himself on the latest US operational thinking and advances in weapon technology .
20 Then she was whisked off to lunch at the clubhouse .
21 This was forcibly brought home to Churchill at the first of the conferences attended by Stalin as well as Roosevelt .
22 But when they fly home to Karachi at the end of the month they are in danger of being remembered as cricket 's chumps , not champs .
23 Following graduation , Mujadid returned home to Karachi at the end of October , having taken some time out to visit Spain and Italy for a well earned holiday .
24 McClennan added : ‘ I have told Saints that I want a complete break from coaching and I will return home to Auckland at the end of the season . ’
25 THE Government last night protested directly to Iran at the ‘ outrageous infringement ’ of Salman Rushdie 's rights from the renewed death threats against him .
26 The red deer is the largest of our native mammals , measuring up to 48in at the shoulder and weighing as much as 30 stone .
27 The recruitment team can not get the letters out and keep the records up to date at the same time ; and if they employ temporaries , other problems arise : where can they sit ?
28 Stuart had been more aware of their existence this year , walking up to lectures at the university , going through the Grassmarket or the gardens , seeing drab figures squatting on the stone steps , or standing outside the hotel in the evening by the vents from the kitchen where the steam formed vapour clouds and it was possible to inhale the smell of food with the intensity of a drug .
29 Peak Sunday income was around £5,000 at the plant centre and up to £3,000 at the shop .
30 The heavy stone head remained in Modigliani 's cluttered studio until one day Modi marched up to Indenbaum at the Rotonde and said baldly , ‘ I 've sold your head ’ .
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