Example sentences of "[adv] to [noun] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , there are some who feel that there should be no border , thinking back nostalgically to days when there was only one domain of art .
2 so we can take erm down to Mold wherever they 've
3 I say , they did just that , they sold up , moved down to Cornwall where her mum lives and bought a much smaller place .
4 We tracked Sam down to Calcutta where he was travelling with the royal party .
5 And er on the other hand you can get in your car and you can get down to suddenly find they 've got the the road up or E G as we did coming down to York today there 's driving his his er surface lifter down the road and and er you 're stuck in a traffic jam for a wee while er
6 If you go down to York today you 're sure of a big surprise .
7 And on the front sheet o entitled affordable housing , we see there that in the case of Hambleton we 'd be looking at forty one percent , of the remaining dwellings being unaffordable being affordable houses , down to York where it goes up to ninety percent .
8 Anyway , I had a purposeful shop yesterday walking along to REALFOODS where one can buy lentils , rice , chickpeas and an Aladdin 's Cave of wonderful other things from herbs to dates , apricots to honey and tea , nuts , spices and organic veg and yoghourt etc .
9 And so to Brisbane where we began and onto Sydney where , after 10,000 miles of motoring , we left off .
10 It would have obviously been complicated to get them in to Darlington so we sent the lecturer to them .
11 SFA 's rules relating to futures follow this tenet by application of the relevant rules only to circumstances where they are required , for example by limiting them to private investors , to contingent liability transactions or to margined transactions .
12 as if we 're here only to flesh out its game — to give it form .
13 ‘ Then why could we never go out together to places where we might be seen and recognised after we became lovers ? ’ she demanded scornfully .
14 But while some operators may be taking longer to firm up their plans , oil supply companies did not leave Offshore Europe empty-handed .
15 At the age often , her talents had taken her away to Moscow where she had studied , married and made her home .
16 Pearce gets it away to Oldfield well he 's scored some really spectacular goals in his career David Oldfield and he was n't far off with that shot .
17 Then that 'll go through to Turners so I mean it could be like a fortnight after they 've been okayed .
18 and er through to Alexandria where we spent a week , then by train from Alexandria to Cairo .
19 I could n't get through to Tshwete so I then called in the Australian Ambassador in Pretoria , Colin McDonald , to personally contact Tshwete and get a firm decision .
20 On the twenty fifth please phone in just to firm up everything .
21 They were vague shadowy figures , rather like her own mother had been , except that she remembered them slightly better because , when she had been about eight years old , Granny Tremayne had driven her over to Newquay where they had been staying .
22 In a moment we 'll be speaking to him about his son 's plight , but first we go over to Switzerland where our reporter , John Marshall , has been following the story .
23 ‘ You were lucky , ’ she wrote to Molly once in answer to her sister 's repeated urgings that she should come over to Leeds where there were plenty of young Jewish men who were starting businesses and wanted wives to help them .
24 Hallin feels the band have a grim determination not to water down their sound having signed to a major label .
25 Some of those who served with the Forces on the continent were brought close to areas where their families had lived , or where friends and relatives had last been heard of .
26 The display is now set to tour Scotland for the remainder of the centenary year , taking in several locations which have strong MacDiarmid associations — Langholm , where he was born ; Montrose where his masterpiece A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle was composed ; and Lanark , close to Brownsbank where he spent the later years of his life .
27 ‘ It 's one of the few places close to Washington where you can get lost and still not get hurt , ’ Ashelman said .
28 Industry watchdog Lautro could have banned the company from selling investment products altogether , but decided not to because it had been co-operative and had acted promptly to beef up its sales methods .
29 The only thing these artists have in common is their gallery of origin the Bachelier-Cardonsky of Kent , Connecticut , USA which has sent their work for the first time ever to Paris where it can be seen at Gianna Sistu for a month .
30 And now somebody 's probably tipped him off that the police are on to him and he 's doing what they all do , running off to Spain where they ca n't get him .
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