Example sentences of "[adv] in some [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Three varieties of the common Sweet Briar , R. eglanteria , found growing naturally in some parts of Kent , were listed as double , evergreen and double blush , and the Double Yellow is classed as a variety of the single , Rosa lutea .
2 " The level of abstraction and consumption has increased over the last century by hundreds of times , and perhaps in some cases by thousands .
3 In general the " topping workmen " were rare enough in London and hardly existed elsewhere , except perhaps in some branches of the metal trades in Sheffield or Birmingham .
4 Even if John Birt is forced to resign , he will be remembered fondly in some quarters for his role in killing off this golden turkey .
5 Lampiao , Brazil 's backlands bandit of the 1920s , is still remembered fondly in some parts as an occasional justice-maker .
6 Section headings which were found only in some chapters in the first edition have been extended through each chapter .
7 The work of Bakhtin has been ‘ taken up ’ in television writing — most problematically in some appropriations of the theory of carnival developed in Rabelais and His World — and the critical vocabulary of the ‘ chronotope ’ and ‘ the dialogic ’ which is developed in his extensive work on literature , culture and language is beginning to achieve some deserved currency .
8 In 1983 , the governing Conservative Party in Britain was keen to point out that the rate of increase in unemployment from 1982 to 1983 was higher in the United States , Germany , the Netherlands , and Canada than it was in the United Kingdom ( a 23.1% increase in the United States compared with 11.8% in the United Kingdom ) and that unemployment would be higher in other countries were it not in some cases for conscription and a retirement age for men of 60 .
9 It 's not In some cases like erm the diagram you were doing about the two girls running , erm then the distance against time gradient will give you speed , give you velocity .
10 Constipation develops gradually in some children as a result of a progressive decrease in the frequency of bowel movements and a progressive increase in the difficulties in passing an excessively firm stool .
11 Since peasants who still possessed any seed reserves or livestock were excluded from relief , they were compelled to sell them off in some cases in order to survive .
12 I 've , I 've I 've often thought I would never vote Tory but , I mean , I 've been better off in some ways in that I was able to buy my council house .
13 Even in so-called ‘ basic ’ or ‘ pure ’ science , direct attempts to replicate reported experimental findings are in practice very rare ( except possibly in some areas of physics ) .
14 While central government holds some of the cards , local authorities hold others , more in some areas of responsibility than others .
15 Many bureaux are using software packages directly in some aspects of advice work , in place of the conventional information system .
16 This is the finding that the same kinds of factors responsible for increasing lexical accessibility of single words ( mainly in studies of word recognition , but also in some studies of production ) are also responsible for affecting word order in sentences .
17 And as we brought out first thing this morning , communication within the group , that is across the functions , and also in some cases within the functions , is poor .
18 Employment relationships have been influenced , not only by the environmental or contextual variables already discussed , but also in some societies by distinctive cultural features .
19 Then I dressed her up in some things of my own ( oh , so much too big ! ) .
20 These include the setting up in some areas of special rooms and facilities where cases of sexual assault can be dealt with , the training of police by Rape Crisis groups , and some specialist police units .
21 That 's mainly because of a curb on car crime , but there 's still concern about burglaries — up in some areas by almost a third .
22 In Asia there has been a semblance of continued progress : China and India have such huge internal markets that they are less dependent on the vagaries of the world economy ; food production has continued booming ; and many Asian countries have begun to compete successfully in some areas with the West .
23 The debate we 've just had on Labour Party links raises questions , er , we believe about our attitude , our attitude , the union 's attitude to the Party , the Labour Party when it does hold power , which of course it does , er locally in some areas of this country .
24 The superseding of medieval forms of agricultural exploitation had taken centuries ( and was still going on in some parts of Europe in 1880 ) , but the decisive changes were over ; the worker had been freed from indissoluble ties with the land , that land itself was increasingly treated as a commodity like any other , and it absorbed more and more capital to make higher and higher production possible .
25 Nevertheless , they contain persuasive evidence to indicate that there was more for his people to do , and talk about , that there was more fun , than there is now in some parts of urban Scotland .
26 Twenty years ago , one British birth in ten thousand was underwater , today in some areas of the country , it 's one in twenty .
27 Although this former psychiatric ward sister can appear world weary , cynicism dropping from every pore , there is a tongue in cheek panache that produces a double reaction as the barbs strike home ; the ‘ oof ’ gut jerk followed immediately in some cases by a form of enlightenment .
28 In the twenty-five years since Tanzania gained political independence , Swahili has gradually taken over some of the functions formerly performed by English , particularly in some areas of education , the media and internal government communication .
29 There is a sharp global increase in alcohol consumption , particularly in some countries in Africa , Latin America and the Western Pacific .
30 Sometimes , particularly in some types of written discourse , we have only a very general or limited knowledge .
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