Example sentences of "[adv] in that [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 is the mo Especially in that sort of weather .
2 This is especially so in that area of cultural groupings , selections and emphases , which run through ( though of course are not unaffected by ) otherwise radically different social orders .
3 Only in that moment of self-reflection can any real state of intellectual freedom be attained ; and then only to a limited degree .
4 I was only in that post for two years , but during that period we closed a lot of works .
5 And the Japanese advances in eastern Asia nourished the hopes that the United States would be completely tied down in that theatre of war .
6 In sum , the ‘ peaceful ’ purpose of the Soviet Armed Forces , as of Soviet policy , is to move history along in that part of the world where Socialism has not yet triumphed — by casting a shadow and making its presence felt , by posing as an ‘ obstacle ’ against Imperialism 's interference with the ‘ revolutionary struggle ’ ; by erecting a protecting canopy over change .
7 The first part of this chapter begins with the structural factors — especially the religious , family and community links — which drew and held abolitionists together in that sense of fellowship .
8 ‘ It is a dangerous sport , every time you go out there , you put your neck on the line , and working together in that kind of atmosphere does make you closer .
9 We had worked together in that department for many years .
10 Such situations are notoriously unstable , as it was in this case , for the team remained together in that form for less than a year .
11 The placing of the concept of the Created God entirely in that period of the earth 's history which follows the advent of life , means that science and religion do not need to be at variance .
12 A sales representative , for example , is not in that position as he meets large numbers of people for a short time .
13 Not in that class of school .
14 on conditions of carriage for the same day operation but , not in that league at all .
15 ‘ Liam Shakespeare 's not in that house in London , ’ she said at last , in a small , level voice .
16 In group B , West Bromwich Albion against Padova , no goals as yet and two games in Italy tonight in that group against Southend and Pescara against Portsmouth .
17 The carving is done generally in that portion of the temple designed to be the sanctum , and the doors are closed during three , five , seven or nine days .
18 There 's no value in it , do n't start it off in that position as though there 's an integral in it , all the
19 And we were in some of them when we started off in that sort of office room .
20 The other alternative is just to go off in that corner over there .
21 I thought you 'd taken off in that spaceship of yours . ’
22 The Honorary Members were John Couch Adams , the astronomer ; William Crookes , the chemist , of whom we shall hear more ; W. E. Gladstone , Prime Minister again early in that year in the midst of the Irish Home Rule struggles ; John Ruskin ; Lord Tennyson ; A. R. Wallace , the co-discoverer of natural selection ; and G. F. Watts , the painter .
23 Guy Fawkes Night will come a week early in that part of Skipton this weekend when the steam railway ignite a big bonfire and firework display .
24 In fact , one never really removes a component cleanly in that sort of way ; one has to damage the brain in order to eliminate a component .
25 It 's been hell shut up in that cottage with two women who would both have braved the weather to come up here to see how you were if I had n't been on hand to stop them . ’
26 ‘ Because if you did , you 'd know as well as I that any youngsters growing up in that sort of background learn from a relatively early age all the joys of hotel life — like being called upon to wash sinkloads of dishes when the dishwasher packs up — or to change dozens of beds when the chambermaid calls in sick .
27 ‘ We brought our tribe up in that 'ouse of ours an' I would n't change it fer no ovver place , ’ he declared .
28 Is it likely that there are other pupils who may turn up in that room in a few minutes ?
29 ‘ Well , I was brought up in that orphanage in Dalston , and that 's what they called me there .
30 Oh that would be good cos I was going to say normally , is er sort of up in that corner in charge of the tombola but er
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