Example sentences of "[adv] in this [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Items ( 2 ) — ( 6 ) are considered below in this chapter with the remainder of this book being devoted to takeover offers under the City Code .
2 ‘ ( 1 ) A person is guilty of an offence under this section if he commits an offence under section 1 above ( ‘ the unauthorised access offence ’ ) with intent — ( a ) to commit an offence to which this section applies ; or ( b ) to facilitate the commission of such an offence ( whether by himself or by another person ) ; and the offence he intends to commit or facilitate is referred to below in this section as the further offence .
3 8 ( 1 ) No right of action to recover land shall be treated as accruing unless the land is in the possession of some person in whose favour the period of limitation can run ( referred to below in this paragraph as " adverse possession " ) ; and where under the preceding provisions … any such right of action is treated as accruing on a certain date and no person is in adverse possession on that date , the right of action shall not be treated as accruing unless and until adverse possession is taken of the land .
4 Many , perhaps most , of these objects are seen now as ‘ works of art ’ , in one sense justly , because of their fine workmanship , but in another sense misleadingly , since their primary function , especially in this area of reproduction and deliberate circulation , was evidently religious or ideological .
5 And yet politicians are dependent , especially in this age of the ‘ sound bite ’ , on precisely these simplicities .
6 If the millions of pounds raised annually in this country for these people via television , telethon , etc. are spent in such a manner , this would surely see the start of a reversal of the present path on the dead-end road we seem to be following .
7 Related species may differ appreciably in this respect in some groups , as in the Orthoptera discussed by Atzinger ( 1952 ) .
8 And going it alone in this kind of way increases the risks as well as limiting choice .
9 So in this type of garden you 'll need to be doubly vigilant , first ensuring that you keep the soil well fed and watered , then keeping a constant umpiring eye open to make sure that one plant is not starting to take unfair advantage of another .
10 She wondered how much longer it would be before Jack was brought in in this sort of state , and how she would feel if he was .
11 The right to use their skills and talents and the right to assert their employability through the use of their own language was possible only in this kind of work environment .
12 The title ‘ Holy One of God ’ is found only in this passage in the Gospel of Mark .
13 Some physical geographers have envisaged that dangers lie not only in this refuge in the unmodified environment but also in the fact that research investigations in modified situations may involve small-scale studies of , for example , gully pots in urban stormwater drainage systems .
14 I 'm only in this business for my own enjoyment , yet because we 've been successful and made a lot of money people automatically assume I 'm a raving Conservative and resent.my criticisms .
15 Coming now from , down to more specific ways of winning new work , due diligence was an initiative which we wanted to er tackle but not only in this office across the country and across the northern region .
16 All you have to do is lower me down in this bucket to just above the sea .
17 ‘ I told her I 'd try and see you while I was down in this part of the world . ’
18 If you deviate substantially and importantly from the conditions laid down in this letter of engagement , we will be free to terminate the engagement by immediate notice at any time and to engage additional and/or alternative directors to perform some or all of the functions set out here .
19 If you deviate substantially and importantly from the conditions laid down in this letter of engagement , we will be free to terminate the engagement by immediate notice at any time and to engage additional and/or alternative directors to perform some or all of the functions set out here .
20 If you deviate substantially and importantly from the conditions laid down in this letter of engagement , we will be free to terminate the engagement by immediate notice at any time and to engage additional and/or alternative directors to perform some or all of the functions set out here .
21 Example ( 3 ) falls down in this respect in that it includes two different activities and outcomes : ‘ to draw up a plan ’ , and ‘ to execute it ’ .
22 Earlier she had come down in this lift with Steve and now she was going up with the last person on earth she could have envisaged .
23 When they came to plan the project in detail , the teachers ( planning together in this school in year groups ) worked together to construct a series of carefully designed ‘ activities ’ — a total of six in all .
24 There were limits to the range of territory that could be held together in this way in the sixteenth century : towards the end of his life Charles V abdicated and retired to a monastery , leaving his German lands and his title of Holy Roman Emperor to the line of his brother Ferdinand , even though he would probably have preferred to keep the entire empire together and leave it to his son Philip .
25 Several of the articles in this important collection produced over the last ten years and gathered together in this volume for the first time , focus particularly on ordinary femininity .
26 Nietzsche 's great book and theory of the superman , has inspired much music — notably the tone poem of Richard Strauss , the enormous 3rd symphony of Mahler and Delius ' Mass of Life , all brought together in this residency of the Netherlands ' Brabant Orchestra , who created such a major impact with their series at the ‘ 89 Brighton Festival .
27 I have omitted much in this survey of the centuries .
28 So we know that so far about fifty percent of our anthropogenic C O two has been locked away in this system in the ocean .
29 In short , they and their children would be condemned to grinding poverty and , if their income comes from the state , to permanent state surveillance , not in this case for cohabitation but for ‘ scrounging ’ .
30 But not in this case at Bilsthorpe .
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