Example sentences of "[adv] in [adj] [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 In sum , their duties probably varied from place to place and from time to time , although there was always likely to be a strong police element , especially in those areas on or near the frontiers where military government was paramount and where the natives enjoyed only limited autonomy .
2 It would be better if , as in private law , there were a longer fixed period which could be extended only in exceptional cases on stated and reasonably precise grounds .
3 The President , Levon Ter Petrosyan , said that the republic would not observe the five-year transitional period as laid down in Soviet legislation on secession .
4 With the United Nations there is at least the opportunity to start , to work together in new ways on issues that really matter .
5 Intensive farming is , after all , in its infancy and the campaigns against it , both in Britain and the USA , have resulted already in remedial legislation on such issues as debeaking , overcrowding , cage sizes , and the use of steroids and other growth promoters .
6 Ringed plover and sanderling pass through in great numbers on their way further south .
7 Alia blamed the overthrow of communist rule elsewhere in Eastern Europe on what he termed the " revisionism " and " hypocrisy " of the former " ruling cliques " , who had " compromised and soiled the legitimacy of the socialist state " .
8 They have to buy these books , which are not cheap , being printed usually in four colours on a lavish scale and accompanied by expensive ‘ hype ’ to bring them to the attention of the public .
9 Everyone pays , or is rewarded eventually , usually in another life on earth . ’
10 The university and polytechnic libraries now spend probably more in real terms on library guides than they ever did .
11 more in real terms on the health service than when we came to office .
12 The gender perspective is one that could fruitfully be pursued further in anthropological studies on values in connection with social behaviour .
13 Their line and length was immaculate and after 16 overs Park were still in first gear on 28 for one .
14 IMF officials who visited Moscow for talks on Aug. 24-26 said , however , that Russian authorities , including Gerashchenko , were still in general agreement on the plans .
15 The only disturbance came when people tried to stop the police arresting a protester for smoking dope , ironically whilst the training session in ‘ nonviolent direct action ’ was still in full swing on the beach .
16 Gilford , winner of the Moroccan Open last month , was also in inspired form on the greens .
17 The Far Eastern Economic Review of Oct. 11 reported that only two people had died in the demonstrations , both in southern Bhutan on Sept. 23 .
18 Cart transport survived both in direct competition on shorter routes and by taking goods to and from railway stations .
19 Nevertheless , she joined enthusiastically in traditional debates on the moral effects of overcrowding , and the relation between lack of cleanliness and the growing local trade in child prostitution among the poor .
20 The fireworks — £3,000 worth of them go up in 60 seconds on the final whistle — have been dubbed ‘ a pyrotechnic holocaust ’ by killjoy critics .
21 Tea had been made and a big cake like the one served in the library was cut up in thick slices on the table .
22 From being despised , feeling inferior , wanting to be invisible , one is lifted up in full view on a cross of one 's own devising .
23 You must have your face covered up in some way on the night : I suggest a balaclava worn back to front , with eye-holes cut in it .
24 The productivity theme was picked up in main sessions on Coatings ( Australia , Europe and North America ) , Fibres and Films and Chemicals .
25 We left Bilen on the morning of 9 December and camped five hours later in thick bush on the edge of a swamp that extended out of sight along the river .
26 Thomas discussed the relationship between love and poetry much later in Feminine Influence on the Poet : ‘ The love-poem is not for the beloved , for it is not worthy , as it is the least thing that is given to her , and none knows this better than she unless it be the lover … .
27 If we group together all the industries that were predominantly in public ownership on the departure of the Labour government , we find that their total employment was thrown into decline in the North from 1978 to 1981 , but that it continued to grow in the South .
28 Ravens swoop in the gully and gather nervously in black clumps on the altar rock .
29 Brittan correctly observed in the late 1960s that there were no differences between left and right in British politics on most important domestic issues , except ‘ around the concept of ‘ equality ’ .
30 But with his incomparable fluency , he woos her gallantly and lavishly in rhyming couplets on behalf of another .
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