Example sentences of "[adv] and if [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 We did this or we shut down and if they wanted the latter we should shut down our plants immediately .
2 Needless to say I got a little excited and told him to quietly shut the engine down and if he wanted to wash the coveralls tonight in gasoline to go about a hundred and fifty yards over there .
3 The boy who kicks his football close to windows can be reprimanded more easily if he was one of those to draw up the rule against doing so and if he agreed on the appropriate punishment beforehand .
4 But if you hammered you had to careful to miss the joints : the felloes were dowelled together and if you hit one of the joints the wrong way , the dowel was certain to break .
5 We make all our decisions together and if she wanted me to pack it all in I would . ’
6 Sunil had sent three of them tonight and if he kept that rate up they 'd need a double-decker bus to follow me by Christmas Eve .
7 Anyway , it was a lon , there 's a little restaurant in the road , and it was back of sort of erm Mar , if you wal , you crossed over and if you went through a little slip where it came , you came into this little arcade of shops where o , about in the road next to er
8 Marriage would come or it would not and if it did not come sooner it would come later or she would be unmarried and what stigma was there in that ?
9 He ensured that no one could talk confidentially and if he heard something he did n't like , he would loudly announce over the intercom , ‘ I heard that ! ’
10 And erm my used to tell me about er when they were serving their time , all the apprentices used to clump their work on a Monday afternoon to go to the panopticon And at that particular time , they had turns on and if they did n't like them they pelted them with tomatoes and oranges and they had a big hook for for pulling them off the stage .
11 Yes , that 's , it 's a lovely , er , lovely story , Anna , er had a hat on and if she did n't want to see anybody , she was just going out
12 She 'd phone to see if he was all right and if he did n't answer the phone there 'd be trouble .
13 Well what I do is like put it on a tray , right what we do is in the night right and if you 'd stayed up late I 'd put cheese
14 Residents often heard police ask Leanne if she was all right and if she had slept .
15 He did n't think this world would last for ever and if he wanted to leave he should leave .
16 What , what people had , had Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and they perhaps came for their order on the , or their weekend joint on the Friday and I 'd make the whole ticket up and they 'd pay and then that ticket would be torn off and if they wanted that meat delivered on the Saturday , that would be delivered with that ticket on the top .
17 Once and if they learnt of what was going on in their own backgardens , they may change their views .
18 If you listened very carefully and if you looked very closely , you could see it and you could hear it and you could feel it .
19 But all the taxi money adds up and if I had to take taxis both ways I could n't afford it . ’
20 If you went to an estate agent you may if they 're willing to er have one or two estate agent staff to help you out and if you went to a golf club you would be likely to have the pro or the secretary help you out .
21 and er they used to come to me and say how much does this man owe now and if he 'd been paying quite a bit next time he came in the shop they was all round him trying to persuade him to buy
22 I 'm actually concerned that if we , did anybody know about this issue earlier on because I think this has been going on for quite some time erm probably over the last two years and if anyone did know then why did n't they address it before and if anyone did n't know , why not ?
23 Tell him that if there 'd been any chemistry between us at all , I would have married you years ago and if he had any bloody sense he 'd do it now — in fact , forget it , I 'll tell him myself . ’
24 That is effectively we 're paying this extra fifty pence right resource misallocation we there is always what 's called a dead weight loss right to intervention , right it 's an inefficiency loss or an efficiency loss , due to the fact that we 're asking t , in this case farmers , right to using , use resources but farmers are n't the most efficient people in resources but in to erm , high tech computer companies , alright and if we gave pounds worth of support to a high tech computer company they would be able to produce more value as a result of that pound er than if we gave one pound to a farmer , simply because erm that , sort of the high tech industries are more productive , they 're more efficient .
25 I think I wanted to convince myself that I was going to be all right because if I did n't and if I stopped to think about what was really going on , I would have been a mess .
26 And I I er and not only that I used to say to teachers well if if they 'd ask him about and if he had anything er er and he 'd be bored .
27 It was real windy up there and if you missed your footing you did n't get a second chance .
28 It is survival of the fittest out there and if I had to do it again I believe I would .
29 Nothing was as before because he was there and if I did not persevere with my patronising offers of involvement it was because my confusion was worsening , the patch on my spirit growing .
30 Nora guessed that if there was a fox in there and if it broke , it would seek first to go downhill .
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