Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb past] through the " in BNC.

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1 He did n't even knock but just walked right in and went through the house looking to see if we had anything of value to part with before we could receive any relief .
2 I knelt down and went through the dead man 's clothing .
3 The two catheters were taped together and passed through the nose into the stomach .
4 The next day the RUC tried to block a 4,000 strong Paisleyite protest march from the centre of Belfast , but the marchers broke through and rampaged through the centre of the city breaking shop windows , stoning the Catholic-owned International Hotel and going on to Sandy Row where they tried to burn down a bookie 's shop which employed Catholics .
5 Nodding obediently — slightly idiotically — she thought , Meredith went back indoors and watched through the window as he drove away .
6 Kandinskaya raised her eyebrows a little and scrolled through the data cube on her desk-tank .
7 They ran on and crept through the hedge .
8 He put it aside and looked through the others .
9 She looked up and saw through the smoke — Mr Petrie !
10 Maxim got up and walked through the inner door .
11 ‘ I hastily fitted it up and went through the pretence because I did n't want him knowing where I really live . ’
12 She knelt up and peered through the tiny porthole .
13 Israel looked up and smiled through the tears .
14 She got out of bed and went out and went through the churchyard and went into the church and started feeling in the dark with her hand
15 Heedless of her full skirts , Meredith leapt out and ran through the singing , celebrating crowds , sobbing with fear and the awful sickening loss of the man she 'd loved and respected .
16 She jumped out and ran through the swing doors and over to a desk where a nurse in a white uniform sat waiting .
17 But he scrambled out and fished through the 30-entry Coventry Open .
18 She smiled back and squeezed through the intervening people to his side .
19 Checking everything was in order , lamps were placed on their correct brackets , the handbreak was unwound , and 4913 ‘ Baglan hall ’ of 84B shed clocked off shed at 12.20 pm and passed through the centre road to the far end of Chester .
20 By the time I 've got up there and slithered through the cut-through , Casey has found himself in a fight .
21 Creed leaned forwards and pointed through the windshield .
22 ‘ Best hang tight to my arm , boy , ’ he yelled and together they leaned forward and tramped through the long wet grass to wrestle with the Littles ' gate .
23 As the taxi swept along the Kensington street , its headlights tunnelling into the murky darkness , Harriet leaned forward and spoke through the half-open glass partition .
24 On legs that moved numbly and automatically , she climbed the back stairs again and went through the kitchen back to the party .
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