Example sentences of "[adv] and she [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The music soothed her for a while but the needle stuck in a groove suddenly and she wept in response , despairing .
2 But of Doreen there was no sign — at least not until they went inside and she emerged from her bedroom , where she had been weeping .
3 Blackness was swirling in and she fought against the need to clutch hold of something .
4 He followed her in and she hurried into her bedroom , locked the door and took her time about showering and changing .
5 In the end it was Rachel who was forced to give in and she swam to the side of the pool , climbed up the steps , and sat on the side watching as David completed several more laps .
6 Now , as the coachman handed her down and she swept into the kitchen in her fur-lined velvet cloak , the difference in her life since her marriage was brought home to her as never before .
7 Irene Markham indicated for her to sit down and she perched on the very edge of an upright chair suddenly feeling quite miserable and wishing she had n't come .
8 You 're playing with her right , and then you 've finished and you put her down and she looks at you she goes , bloody sick !
9 Her marriage broke up in 1985 , leaving her to bring up seven children alone and she worked with local women 's theatre group , Charabanc , on a freelance basis .
10 Well , there was n't much Maureen could do about this injury , but the wound did heal up nicely and she cared for the bird for over a year .
11 He left swiftly and she gazed after him , the words of refusal unspoken .
12 Her elbows had been lashed together and she hung from the ceiling like a snared sparrow .
13 Her lips clamped together and she stared at him in horror , unable to believe she 'd really asked him such a question .
14 They turned away and she walked up the street , past the baker 's , past the shoemaker 's , and the hat shop , and she rang the bell that was attached to the wall at the side of the door leading into the sweet shop .
15 She had been crying again and her mascara had been washed away and she looked like an eleven-year-old waking up in hospital after an operation .
16 But while they hesitated and debated , Lucy 's strength ebbed away and she fell in a swoon , putting to death a hundred thousand insects beneath her lovely body .
17 No matter how much Signe varied the speed , Harvey 's hand was up there providing a wall against which her hand smacked , until he snatched his hand away and she toppled into his arms .
18 The icy stream took her breath away and she gasped as the water poured through her hair and ran down her face .
19 There was no time for emotion as the blood was swabbed away and she concentrated on the badly gashed cheekbone .
20 You wo n't — wo n't — ’ Her voice died away and she slipped into sleep again .
21 The helmsman and the engineer controlled her easily and she reacted without hesitation to all commands , naturally much faster than a sailing vessel .
22 Lucy 's sobs stilled a little and she clung to Jay .
23 If he did n't get this across to her properly and she chose to be obstructive she could make so many complications that the very project could be damaged .
24 She wanted to be out of his sight very quickly and she leaned on Marguerite willingly to get up the stairs as fast as possible .
25 Meredith 's brain ticked over rapidly and she came to one undeniable conclusion .
26 But then I erm she phoned me yesterday and she said to me have you had any professional lifting erm lessons at all .
27 It stung her deeply and she recoiled at once .
28 and she was arched over like this , yeah , and they were getting off and she went for his belt yeah and she was gon na undo his belt and Jules went Laura Laura not now , you know , just do n't undo my belt .
29 This last action nearly caused her to fall off and she lurched to a rather drunken halt at Mildred 's feet .
30 However , on 19 December 1991 the period of six months from the date when the children left the foster mother 's home and she ceased to be their foster parent was due to expire , and she would then be free to apply for a residence order under section 8 in respect of the four children , without the local authority 's consent under section 9(3) ( a ) .
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