Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] [adv prt] into " in BNC.

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1 The man looked at Clinton indifferently and peered down into the vat .
2 I think their suggestion was that they had to go via Norwood Gardens because they then turned right at the in and went up into the middle of and it was to get them on to that line that they had to go through .
3 She put the receiver down and went back into the cubicle .
4 So , the model is now flying back towards you , into wind , and you have to bring it down , slow it down and get back into the hover position .
5 They were up and ready for inspection , with the tent down and folded back into a small square by six thirty .
6 They want to move the whole competition — lock , stock and barrel — out of the province entirely and turn in into the Jersey Milk Cup .
7 He took a step away and looked down into her face .
8 I was convinced he was about to do the same to me , when he suddenly appeared to notice the tent for the first time , shied away and crashed off into the trees .
9 Torrents of Spanish as I backed away and pulled out into the traffic .
10 Philip ran back down to the bit of broken fencing , climbed through and got back into the kitchen as the local news ended .
11 Anneka Patel , of Cypriana Holidays , said yesterday : ‘ He will be back on the cruise ship tonight and arriving back into Cyprus tomorrow morning to continue his holiday .
12 Though her lungs were aflame with her efforts , she rolled over and set off into the darkness of the tunnel that led outside before anyone could think to send a boat for her — though at least there were hiding places here in case they did .
13 There was an ache in her heart at that thought , but she did n't dare examine her feelings properly and rushed out into the yard , almost knocking into Miss Phoebe .
14 ‘ Do make yourself at home , ’ said Sybil hospitably and bustled off into the kitchen .
15 A gust of wind throws rain against the window and shakes the frame ; it 's loud and surprising and I flinch but he just turns slowly and looks out into the darkness with what could almost be contempt before laughing and putting an arm round my shoulder and suggesting we have another drink .
16 Swarf swallowed nervously and descended back into the castle .
17 Her head full of these questions , she turned wearily and went back into the kitchen .
18 And it goes out in a blaze of colour — a spectacular firework display which starts at 6.45pm and goes on into the night .
19 She glanced away quickly and stared down into her cognac , fighting the sudden strange charge of emotion that shot through her .
20 Obsidian is erupted quietly as lava , forming thick , sluggish flows , while pumice is blasted out rapidly and blown up into a consistency something like expanded polystyrene , with a delicate cellular structure that results from the expansion of large volumes of gas within the magma .
21 They struck us aside and went back into the sea , taking Undry with them . ’
22 Carefully he swung the grill aside and climbed down into the darkened corridor .
23 We hurriedly pushed off and rowed out into mid-stream .
24 But he had to restrain himself from leaping up and switching the light off and peering out into the street from behind the curtains .
25 On the far bank they might just discern the silhouette of a straining horse on the tow-path ; from nearby they might just hear a discreet splosh as the eel-fishermen cast off and slipped out into the stream .
26 ‘ Claudine , ’ he said tersely , flinging his coat off and striding through into the kitchen .
27 The story goes that he was watching at home with his wife but after the pile-up occurred , he could stand it no more and went out into the garden for the rest of the race .
28 He breathed deeply , and lacking anything better to do opened his bedroom window even further and leaned out into the cold night .
29 He scrambled upright and went back into the empty flat .
30 ‘ Did n't sleep well , ’ he said , mildly apologetic , snatching a bite of bread and cheese , gulping a cup of coffee standing before nodding curtly and dashing out into a freezing morning .
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