Example sentences of "[adv] of [n mass] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 I am not attempting to compare the quality of the Territorial Army now and following national service , but the TA then consisted almost entirely of people who had served for two years on a full-time basis , and the level of skill and general martial ability was very high .
2 She spoke crossly of people who had criticized her clergymen .
3 But in some parishes it er had been useful for them to stand out because the parish council was made up of people who had grown old with parish priests and er it was a chance to make a new start .
4 It also reveals that 18.9 per cent of households , 434 in all , are made up of people who have retired to the Dales and of these some 54 per cent previously lived outside Yorkshire .
5 These sets of analysis are based on empirical attitude research , and the agencies that have constructed them use them to advise their clients on how best to design and position existing and new products on target segments made up of people who have similar life-style patterns .
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