Example sentences of "[adv] of [noun sg] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus successful organizations will have a high degree of role specialization ( reinforcing expertise and efficiency ) together with a high generality of roles ( encouraging flexibility and interdependency ) , a continuity of leadership alongside of infusion of new leaders , and so on .
2 We have consistently observed that rigorous purification , especially of TFIIIB from mammalian cells , is accompanied by a considerable loss of activity .
3 Ominously too , instead of staying within a mile or so of home like normal dogs , they turn into restless wanderers , propagating the virus far afield .
4 This is only of benefit in big events where the skill and fitness of the top sailors are all very similar and it is the state of mind that matters .
5 Because of this factor it is relatively expensive and little seen , and only of use to regular , frequent business users who would find themselves in difficulties without the transportation .
6 His head dress , which was in the shape of a Leghorn straw hat , was composed wholly of coral of excellent quality , meshed closely together , and must have weighed very heavily on his head , for it was constantly being temporarily removed by an attendant .
7 One of the most obvious places to start looking for the existence or not of inequality between different social groups is the amount of income that people earn , since money is so important in our society .
8 ‘ What a strange demand ! ’ says Lebyadkin with an effrontery beyond the man we have been given , though not of course beyond old Karamazov .
9 This is not just of interest to professional politicians or academic specialists ; local government has become front-page news , its leading politicians such as Ken Livingstone , David Blunkett and Derek Hatton have been catapulted to national fame and the local-central government conflict detailed in Chapter 4 has been a major issue in three successive general elections .
10 It would gain deposits , matched exactly of course by additional operational balances .
11 Hard ones are usually of wood in straight or fancy shapes , painted or fabric covered .
12 ( 1 ) For the meaning of " off-sale premises , " see s.139(l). 5.119 provides for the setting off of part of public house or hotel premises for off-sales only , the part to be known as the " offsale part . "
13 The all-important notion of the dreamwork involves an assumption about the function of dreaming ( and possibly of consciousness in general ) — that the dream is controlling the subject 's psychological state , and not the other way round .
14 Some of this was the product of the growing identification nationally of antislavery with political liberalism and thus fear , as in the case of Canterbury , of seeming to be ‘ acting from party feeling only ’ .
15 Street life is therefore seen as potentially a meaningful cultural or social phenomenon which performs important functions for participants , and a phenomenon capable also of variation between different social and ethnic groups .
16 The San Giorgio case is also of interest for present purposes in that it accepts that Community law does not prevent a national legal system from disallowing repayment of charges where to do so would entail unjust enrichment of the recipient , in particular where the charges have been incorporated into the price of goods and so passed on to the purchaser .
17 ( Such a terminology is also of use in foreign language teaching . )
18 Also of use in old bums that do not resolve and if there are any ill effects of burns — other conditions that have developed from the burn itself or coincided with the burn though not apparently directly connected with it .
19 One is the familiar picture of gang life emerging from an area of high social and spatial mobility and hence of isolation from dominant mores and habits .
20 Partly of course in printed works , but these must be used with infinite caution and constant checking .
21 What is now becoming clear is that clozapine produces a build up of dopamine in different receptors from other neuroleptics , and this gives a strong indication that another neurochemical abnormality underlies at least some symptoms of the disorder .
22 The difference between operating profit and profit before tax is of course made up of interest on non-operating items .
23 This poem is generally agreed to be made up of material from different dates and there are considerable textual differences between manuscript versions .
24 The two decided Heron 's losses in America and the impact of recession on housing and property closer to home would mean it would run out of money in late 1993 .
25 As a child he was kicked out of school for various incidents , including throwing a desk at a teacher when he was just nine years old .
26 Callinicos , defence of Marxism is erudite and compelling , and the fact that he runs out of steam over post-war art is of less moment than the fact that he takes the range of issues seriously enough to discuss them at all .
27 Nicaragua 's claims against the United States arose out of conflict in Central America which impinged upon all other States in the area .
28 It was the first time that four large tanks — two crude storage , a ballast water and the Brent surge — had been taken out of service for planned maintenance in one year .
29 Agreed out of court after lengthy judicial hearings , the settlement included ( i ) a US$100,000,000 criminal fine ( the highest levied against a polluter ) , set after Exxon pleaded guilty to charges of criminal misdemeanour ; and ( ii ) $900,000,000 in civil damages , to be administered by a board of Alaska state and US federal officials , to be used for cleanup operations along the Alaska shoreline over the next decade .
30 In the first outbreak it was estimated that no more than one per cent of the entire rabbit population survived , and these few were either immune or out of contact with other rabbits .
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