Example sentences of "[adv] the [noun] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Er , four er if the plaintiffs had been so advised , would they have taken er that way out thereby the contract and fifthly , if the defendants er were in breach of contract and your Lordship decides all those questions in the plaintiff 's favour then er what is the basis on which they are to be awarded damages .
2 It is mercifully the case that almost all the people of this country subscribe , in general terms , to the values of liberty for the individual under the law , and believe that this liberty is least insecure in a parliamentary democracy .
3 But they 're going to say , if they 're talking to Liz , presumably the trainer as well as a person , you know , what
4 Well presumably the men as well .
5 By law , all gas and electric fires have now to be fitted with a fire-guard by the manufacturers , and when helping an elderly Person to choose one it is wise to encourage her to buy one with the on/off control switch on the top or high up on the side , to avoid unnecessary bending .
6 Far from protecting the English clergy from royal demands , Boniface VIII and Clement V added their authority to royal exactions and incidentally took on the odium as well .
7 Mm , mm , cos of King 's Cross , had to come at all it 's awful and one time you just went straight on the escalator and now you 've got to go
8 In allowing H Ltd 's contentions that the mezzanine platforms should be eligible for capital allowances , Mr Justice Vinelott said that the issue was whether the platforms passed the ‘ premises test ’ — in other words , whether the platforms were apparatus used for carrying on the trade or merely part of the setting in which the trade of the companies was carried on .
9 Take on the world and never cry craven , he 'd said .
10 Even in our championship winning year we failed to beat the ‘ elite ’ sides in the league and although Wilko has made a few changes to the squad we still have basically the side and thus the same problems that have cost us dearly in the most important games .
11 The Roraima survivors described burning rum running down the streets and even into the sea , spreading out as far as the ship and causing small fires on her .
12 Sherry would do something like that because apparently she 's always walking down the streets and like taking her top off and showing her tits to everyone and sort of like pulling her trousers down .
13 Having been frustrated in her 1988 cruise to Scandinavia , Islander headed north-east once more last summer and this time succeeded in passing through the Limfjord , sailing down the Kattegat and up into the Baltic as far as Stockholm before retracing her steps to visit Copenhagen for the second time on this voyage .
14 The filter bed arrangement for reverse-flow is exactly the same as the downflow method , but the direction of water is reversed and pumped down the uplifts and up through the various media .
15 Knowledge concerning that enlightenment was what he passed on to his disciples , and this — the positive content of the Four Noble Truths and the teaching of the Middle Way — is what has made Buddhism live down the ages and still today .
16 This sometimes means eliminating most of the original actors , and stretching down the hierarchy or even outside to discover a new chief who was not part of the original team .
17 Presumably this influences relative salary structures further down the hierarchy as well .
18 Just gang down the court or somewhere then come home .
19 He claimed that his intention was not to bring down the government but merely to remind his brother of his election pledge to root out official corruption .
20 This will drive down the price and hence drive up the rate of rediscount ( r ) .
21 Coffin saw him down the staircase and out of the front door , where they stood , still talking .
22 A spokesman for Brixham coastguard said : ‘ It is very dangerous because people have to scramble down the cliffs and then onto the boat and then they have to get off carrying whatever they have nicked .
23 510–550 , which can be viewed as attempts ' to reproduce the same recognisable prototype' , thereby playing down the change that actually occurs .
24 I then told them about the apparition , how I had seen someone walking down the shed and then suddenly disappearing .
25 Breaking the top of the bend will leave a jagged projection to gently chisel out , after plugging the soil pipe with paper or rag , to prevent particles going down the pipe and possibly blocking the drain .
26 They have let down the public and also let down colleagues who , in the local media and in some national programmes such as ’ Newsnight ’ , have succeeded in giving a more accurate and balanced picture of events .
27 Maybe , thousands of years ago , birds and reptiles from continental South America had reached the Galapagos , ferried on the rafts of vegetation that float down the rivers and out to sea .
28 We drove down the tarmac and out of the airport gates .
29 For a natural worn look , lightly rub down the varnish when hard with fine steel wool .
30 I found the whisky , let myself out of the cellar and locked it , turned all the lights out , gave Mrs McSpadden the bottle , accepted a belated new-year kiss from her , then made my way out through the kitchen and the corridor and the crowded hall where the music sounded loud and people were laughing , and out through the now almost empty entrance hall and down the steps of the castle and down the driveway and down to Gallanach , where I walked along the esplanade — occasionally having to wave or say ‘ Happy New Year ’ to various people I did n't know — until I got to the old railway pier and then the harbour , where I sat on the quayside , legs dangling , drinking my whisky and watching a couple of swans glide on black , still water , to the distant sound of highland jigs coming from the Steam Packet Hotel , and singing and happy-new-year shouts echoing in the streets of the town , and the occasional sniff as my nose watered in sympathy with my eyes .
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