Example sentences of "[adv] having be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They may , however , not be exactly what the author would have preferred , as a colour plate which is readily available ( perhaps having been used in another publication ) is much cheaper to use than a new plate which has to be commissioned .
2 The family was clearly influential , perhaps having been helped by his brother who was archbishop of Canterbury , and a third brother was an alderman , although he never became mayor .
3 The decoration around the windows and along the string-course is delightful , the corbels especially having been sculpted into a strange and compelling variety of animals , monsters and more or less human figures .
4 A few miles further down the road they came on a group of Italians with rifles waving at them to stop , obviously having been alerted by the German post .
5 Only part of this extensive cloth and flock mill remains , much having been destroyed by fire .
6 The concern then must be that when people start to suffer the rule of the power which has replaced the national government , their resentment against not having been warned of the full consequences of what was happen — There are signs that this may indeed be what is happening in Germany .
7 He said that he was " wounded " by not having been consulted by Shevardnadze beforehand , and declared that " to go now is unforgivable " .
8 By the early 80's 80 per cent of children were in comprehensive schools — the system not having been adopted by all education authorities .
9 One of these is the tiny Fender 's Blue butterfly , Icaricia icarioides fenderi , a colony of which has been spotted in a remote area of Oregon 's Willamette Valley after not having been seen since 1937 .
10 ‘ The action is an action for money had and received ; and it is brought upon this ground ; namely , that the money was paid to the defendant without any consideration ; the duty , for which , and in respect of which he received it , not having been imposed by lawful or sufficient authority to warrant the same .
11 ‘ The action is an action for money had and received ; and it is brought upon this ground ; namely , that the money was paid to the defendant without any consideration ; the duty , for which , and in respect of which he received it , not having been imposed by lawful or sufficient authority to warrant the same .
12 The point in both appeals was whether the jury should have been allowed to hear the tape recording of the appellant 's interview with the police when they requested it after retirement , it not having been played to them during the course of the trial .
13 Not having been trained in school formalities , there is no reason why they should associate her test questions with the need to make explicit answers , or why they should pretend that the questioner is not there as the ‘ detached ’ answer requires .
14 The first sign that you are making real progress in learning to fly is that such mishaps become rarer and , eventually , uncommon despite the model not having been changed in any way .
15 There are two parents aged between twenty and forty-five , legally married to each other , and not having been married to anyone else previously .
16 Where these is no need for a retained iron structure to accept enlarged loads and it is apparent that the metal members are in food condition , not having been subjected to detrimental modifications , the chief consideration in re-using the installation is to achieve an acceptable standard of fire resistance .
17 These cancer surveillance programmes are now widely implemented despite not having been subjected to clinical trial .
18 ( 3 ) The estate of a partner who dies , or who becomes bankrupt , or of a partner who , not having been known to the person dealing with the firm to be a partner , retires from the firm , is not liable for partnership debts contracted after the date of the death , bankruptcy , or retirement respectively .
19 Not having been associated with people with his range of peculiarities , I wondered whether they were the materials of his prejudices .
20 Havel , who had been elected in December 1989 to serve in an interim capacity [ see p. 37107 ] , was the sole candidate ; a number of other individuals had been disqualified , not having been nominated by parliamentary deputies , while Stefan Kvietik , nominated by the Slovak National Party , had withdrawn .
21 In a later case in which service had been attempted in Belgium , the Belgian Central Authority certified that service had proved impossible , the defendant not having been found at the address given .
22 If a worker-led bid came forward and there were employees within a company who had drive , initiative and new ideas about how it could be run more successfully and provide more services at no cost to the public purse , why should they , in effect , be disqualified without their case ever having been studied by those who are supposed to study the bids ?
23 One has to concede that successive Conservative Governments have accepted rulings from Brussels on , for example , social policy , the regulation of working practices and the straight-forward geographical reallocation of wealth which it would be hard to imagine ever having been proposed as part of a domestic Conservative programme .
24 In Ipswich the situation was more complex : as can be seen from Table 3.2 , as many as half the clients referred to the project actually received no service ; 19 of the 27 were in hospital at referral , usually having been admitted to the psychiatric hospital following their referral and domiciliary visit by the psychogeriatrician .
25 After the 15-day trial in July Ann was convinced the girls would both be returning home having been cleared of the charge .
26 While all kadis were appointed by the state and received allowances , for example , certainly in the period under review only the most important of the muftis received official appointments or salaries ; and indeed , even the salary of the Mufti of Istanbul , until the very end of the period , was considerably smaller than the allowances ( to say nothing of the income ) of a number of kadis over whom he clearly took precedence , the pattern possibly having been established by the perhaps consciously modest demands made by Fahreddin Acemi .
27 The houses next to these almshouses were quite modern for the street — probably having been built in the eighteen-seventies .
28 He explained that the young puffin had been found wandering in the village with a damaged wing , probably having been mauled by one of the many cats in the neighbourhood ( most of whom , incidentally , have six toes on each foot ) and he said that he would look after Eyvør for some weeks until it was well enough to be released .
29 He was university-trained , no doubt at Oxford , appears to have obtained his first benefice in commendam ( Coningsby , Lincolnshire ) in 1243 and , probably having been attached to the familia of William de Raleigh [ q.v. ] , bishop of Winchester , was archdeacon of Surrey by 1245 .
30 The cabinet was in the celebrated Ashburton collection , probably having been acquired by Francis Baring , Third Lord Ashburton ( d.1882 ) on his marriage in 1833 to Hortense Eugenie Claire , daughter of the Duke of Bassano , who may have acquired the cabinet while French Ambassador at Naples in 1793–94 .
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