Example sentences of "[adv] often [conj] not [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Which Councils — more often than not called synods during the first thousand years — were ecumenical was determined not by the pope , but by their reception in the Church at large .
2 There was so much going on all over the mission , more often than not organized by the people themselves .
3 First , tonally matched movements are more often than not interlinked by their opening motifs , which are chordal or linear , following the nature of the affect and the rhythms of the text .
4 In Yorkshire the houses of the period tend to be of stone rubble while in the former Wiltshire downlands they are more often than not made of cob , a mixture of chalk , straw and manure , or of flint rubble .
5 Because although it could be argued that what an utterance means is readily recoverable by anyone who can read printed English , it is important to understand that what the speaker wishes to express is more often than not defined by the factors which get lost in the process of transcription .
6 The 1350s had seen relatively little fighting at an ‘ official ’ level , but the decade had witnessed the growth , in both numbers and size , of bodies of soldiers who , although sometimes finding local employment , more often than not roamed the countryside in search of adventure and the easy pickings of war .
7 Now , in contrast , a teacher is more often than not faced with a complete ignorance of Christianity .
8 But it is a common and easily observed fact that measures of aggregate output in any economy tend to be positively serially correlated ; that is , a higher than average value for aggregate output in any period is more often than not followed by a higher than average value next period and , similarly , a low value in any period is more likely to be followed by another low one than by a high one .
9 In Prokop v DHSS and Another [ 1985 ] CLY 1037 , May LJ stated the relevant principle clearly in the following passage : On the facts in Jefford v Gee the relevant loss of earnings continued throughout from accident to trial , and indeed went on thereafter … it is , I think , quite clear from the judgment , and indeed from the application of arithmetical commonsense , that the half-rate approach there referred to is only applicable to cases where the special damages comprise more or less regular periodical losses which are continuous from the date of the accident to the date of the trial ; these are more often than not lost earnings .
10 The most immediate impression of the bourgeois interior of the mid-century is overcrowding and concealment , a mass of objects , more often than not disguised by drapes , cushions , cloths and wallpapers , and always , whatever their nature , elaborated .
11 When sailing in offshore winds , however , this rule is more often than not proved right , particularly in coastal bays .
12 Some conception of the resultant complexity may be gained from a survey of the freeholders of Bedfont , Middx. , in 1546 , which records a wealth of detail that was more often than not disregarded .
13 When she did breathe ‘ cancer ’ , in her muffled contralto , the implications were of something exceedingly unfortunate with a strong hint of divine retribution , more often than not accompanied by a sharp , righteous , ‘ be sure your sins will find you out . ’
14 However , alterations were more often than not effected with some degree of sympathy for the existing fabric and atmosphere .
15 Although Larsen more often than not returned ecclesiastic items to hallowed ground , he kept some pieces in the museum to demonstrate the shared aesthetic dimension of the past .
16 He could be quite casual in his attitude to his wife 's anxiety and more often than not failed to let her know when he was delayed .
17 Whenever the tension mounted , he defused it with a razor-edged comment , as often as not directed at himself , and so they were able to keep the rising tide of passion at bay .
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