Example sentences of "[adv] much [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He felt that his experience in the film Hello , Dolly ! had given him the confidence to do Billy , and he remained grateful to Gene Kelly , who had helped him so much during the picture 's making .
2 money for light and they 've been having to keep her pension and like giving her so much at a time because it 's been going missing with all the money !
3 They have meant that women are no longer quite so much at the mercy of their biology and may engage in sexual intercourse free from the worry of unwanted pregnancy .
4 Even compassion for a man so much at the mercy of his physical urges .
5 Certainly to respond to the gentleman who was suggesting that there 's no difference between us as adults and children , certainly there is the child in all adults erm that does respond , perhaps , in a childish way at times , but I would suggest that as adults we hopefully have gotten to a place in ourselves which we are not so much at the mercy of our immediate wishes and wants and feelings that we are able to be more measured in the way that we handle ourselves and our feelings , and therefore in a position to help our children to develop that capacity within themselves as they are growing up erm and erm I 've forgotten the other point I was going to make just following on from what Elizabeth there in the studio was saying .
6 Church planting is , I sense , so much at the heart of God for this country at this moment .
7 Finally she returned to her dorm , terrified not so much at the prospect of getting caught but because she had come back empty handed .
8 I 've certainly felt that again and again , not so much at the inadequacy of the politicians , as at my own inadequacy .
9 He wanted nothing so much at the moment as to be out of this man 's piercing sight and withering scrutiny .
10 She told him about the notes , the broken glass and spilled wine that had shaken her so much at the time .
11 And er my memories really go back to er the , probably the more pleasant things in the erm mission parties that we were invited to , the film shows in the Officers ' Mess , er going to a Glenn Miller dance erm which was held in the hangar up here erm , I do n't think we really , or I really appreciated them so much at the time as I do now .
12 Compared to some continental countries , the levers of higher education policy in the UK are often financial rather than legislative , and this can lead not so much to a change of title as a gradual dissociation between title and reality .
13 She turned to Ricky , ‘ It matters so much to a man having an heir . ’
14 This miscalculation of letting the value of sterling appreciate led not so much to a slim-down of manufacturing industry but to the closure of whole plants .
15 Questions of religion mattered so much to the leaders of the colony that arguments in favour of religious toleration would have seemed to them simply a new onslaught on the purity of religion .
16 No the village ones did n't come so much to the muckle suppers .
17 Although I have serious reservations about the methodology of most of these studies ( in that they are far too pessimistic about the ability of the business community to respond to changing circumstances following changing relative prices ) and although some of the shortages which appear are due not so much to the limits of nature as the intervention and regulation of governments , nevertheless they raise sufficiently serious doubts about such things as the effects of carbon dioxide and the present lack of adequate recycling that I believe they must be taken seriously .
18 It brought the spectators to their feet in an act of remembrance for Beryl who did so much and gave so much to the Society .
19 But Wagner 's art , so irresistible and so much to the fore in Nietzsche 's thinking , seemed to presuppose some value other than — or in addition to — beauty : and was this not also true of Greek art , on the basis of which the theory of beauty had been largely formed ?
20 now that is wrong because nobody should be committed so much to the hilt that they ca n't have a family
21 Finally , can I thank , on your behalf , the sterling efforts of all heads of departments and staff at Trinity Road , and all my colleagues in our Council and Committees whose efforts mean so much to the work of the Association .
22 I am only one of the many who owe so much to the man . ’
23 Along with the building and waterfront trades , garbage collection is a stronghold of the organised-crime syndicates whose nefarious activities add so much to the cost of doing business in New York .
24 However , this association may be due not so much to the parents ' socio-economic situation but , since most women in the childbearing ages were economically active at that time in Hungary , as to the occupational conditions of the mothers .
25 True , Lupus exhorted Charles " not to subject himself so much to the influence of one man so that he did everything according to that man 's will " .
26 These areas of activity are dealt with in detail elsewhere in this report but I am very pleased in this foreword to highlight a most successful year of achievement — a year which owed so much to the inspiration given to use all by those who saved the Nation in 1940 .
27 At the same time , we shall be able to identify features of style which belong not so much to the subject , as to James 's characteristic way of handling it .
28 He forces you to work at controlling the character because he brings so much to the part . ’
29 To abandon them at such a moment implies that they did not , after all , mean so much to the animal — they were not a ‘ safe haven ’ in quite the way they had pictured themselves .
30 As always , Elizabeth shows herself a thoroughly English writer in her sensitiveness to the vagaries of the weather and to minor class distinctions ; and whatever Dr Johnson may say about the unimportance of the former or contemporary prigs about the latter , they contribute so much to the variety of life and conversation in England .
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