Example sentences of "[adv] many as [art] [num] " in BNC.

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1 The Woodworm Years , a compilation from more recent recordings , has its moments , but not nearly so many as the 1970 House Full and Full House re-issues .
2 But seven more victims came forward during the police investigation and ‘ as many as a hundred ’ may have been abused by the smooth-talking doctor , a senior detective admitted .
3 One detective said : ‘ It is not an exaggeration to assume that during his career as many as a hundred women could have been abused by him using his evil methods .
4 Some have as many as a hundred photographs and captions describing the various stages of the project .
5 So were as many as a hundred or so other females and now he lies surrounded by them , on guard and ready to do battle with any other male that tries to raid his harem .
6 Each year the west monsoon would bring a fleet from Makassar , each prahu bristling with as many as a hundred warriors .
7 By 1880 he was turning to German models , and as business increased ( he is believed to have employed as many as a hundred men ) production became stereotyped .
8 In a basket scram it 's three wheel I 've had as many as a hundred and forty pound loaves in a scram to push from to Street up to Road .
9 Health union officials say as many as a hundred and fifty jobs could be lost with the closure of the hospital which was confirmed last week after months of speculation .
10 In addition to the several hundred harbour porpoises which die each year in the set-net fishery in Canada and the north-eastern US , as many as a thousand more are dying in set-nets in the North Sea and Greenland .
11 As a result of this , it is now possible to leave a natural history museum knowing that some fleas can jump 130 times their own height , and that elephants can not jump at all , and that as many as a thousand dead ants have been found inside the stomach of a single mole .
12 I mean I , I , I , I 've had as many as a thousand marbles in a bag .
13 On orders from the White House , perhaps as many as a million federal government emloyees are now subject to testing .
14 Even so , the Electoral Reform Society estimates that there could be as many as a million missing voters , and Mori made the assumption that the figure was nearer two million .
15 As many as a million arrive within a space of two or three days on the island of St Kilda in the Scottish Hebrides .
16 There may be as many as a million ants in one nest .
17 It was an experience which steeled him for the future task of having as many as a dozen major country houses under construction in any one year .
18 A deal was made which was of great benefit to both sides as Littler went on to present pantomimes for many years , sometimes as many as a dozen annually .
19 She will deposit as many as a dozen eggs there .
20 Thereafter , as many as a dozen other females will have added their own babies to the creche in the tunnel in the same way .
21 He tapped in the code , then waited , knowing the signal was being scrambled through as many as a dozen sub-routes before it got to its destination .
22 ‘ I 've introduced a new concept in the programme , involving a couple of dozen people , from all levels within the company , in half-day workshops which may look at as many as a dozen different Improvement Team targets .
23 Gibbons 's predecessor , D. Allan Bromley , believed that the government could carry out no more than five or six major initiatives at once because of the time and resources required to coordinate activities among as many as a dozen agencies .
24 And I suppose over the last twelve month we must have had as many as a dozen of such inquiries wanted their stamp franked .
25 The year 1858 witnessed about 100 peasant disturbances in Estonia , almost as many as the 123 which , according to one estimate , took place in all the Russian provinces of the empire put together .
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