Example sentences of "[adv] over a [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 You are able to collect the information detailed below over a number of informal visits , and are now required to present your preliminary conclusions and recommendations for Davenport 's consideration .
2 The formation of financial conglomerates , embodying commercial banking , stock-broking , market making , fund management etc , raise concerns not only over a clash of interests between conglomerate and client but also over a clash of obligations owed by the conglomerate to two or more clients .
3 However , this is not expected to happen for some time and even when reform is introduced , the probability is that it will be phased in over a number of years .
4 This benefit , phased in over a number of years , came fully into operation in 1979 , and replaced child tax allowances and family allowances .
5 Any new planting was designed to be phased in over a period of years , planting schemes having to take account of the need to create a distinctive landscape for the immediate future as well as for the long term .
6 In other cases , a partner 's contribution may be agreed to be collected in over a period of years out of his profit share .
7 ‘ Come and fill me in over a cup of coffee . ’
8 It faces south , in over an acre of landscaped gardens with a feature water-garden .
9 It will slide on as a whole line , from the bottom right hand corner ( which will take 50 frames to complete ) stay still for 120 frames , and then scatter off randomly over a period of 30 frames .
10 It is much better to build up endurance levels gradually and gently over a period of weeks and months .
11 All over a pair of shoes , I ask you .
12 For instance , in a group of patients with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis who were treated with an elimination diet followed by a wheat-free diet , cervical reintegration and the green-lipped mussel preparation , Seatone , significant and often dramatic improvements were obtained in a fortnight of an order similar to , or better than , those obtained by either homoeopathy or Seatone alone over a period of three to six months .
13 In the past , samples of children 's language have been collected using a diary approach where examples of children 's utterances , together with a description of the surrounding context , were simply written down over a period of weeks or months ( Miller 1981a ) .
14 Fibrous tissue replaces this , the capillaries heal and contract down over a period of months to leave a linear scar .
15 A currency which gradually adjusts up or down over a period of time , depending on the intrinsic strength of the economy which supports it , is much less likely to attract the eye of the speculator than one which is about to burst the artificial dam which has been built around it .
16 People become vulnerable : they feel very thin-skinned ; over-sensitive and self-pitying ; moody and unpredictable , with a cheerfulness that is transparent and brittle ; they may become tearful , perhaps breaking down over an item of television news or for no apparent reason at all .
17 Perhaps over a period of months , even years , the yearning grew to escape .
18 ‘ Four of them got together over a couple of decanters of port and I listened to what I could .
19 My one pound , seventeen shillings had been put together over a number of years by saving money given me on my birthdays by relatives .
20 The aim of Heidrick and Struggles ' approach is to build a team that can truly work and integrate together over a number of years .
21 There is even a physical basis to the collectivity of women : it has been shown that women living together over a length of time frequently fall into a synchronicity of menstrual cycles .
22 It is not surprising that two people , who have worked closely together over a period of time , come up with a similar approach to a problem .
23 As couples live together over a period of years they will find more and more areas where decisions can be made without consultation because they will understand a lot of each other 's interests and desires .
24 She remembered Donna Fratelli 's raucous laugh , the number of times the two of them had sat together over a glass of wine or a plate of pasta , discussing the things which really matter : men , or life , or the latest movie .
25 Erm so therefore I would say in er theory er my understanding would be that yes we could know whatever you wanted to know about particular fields like every two o'clock over a period of a year or whatever .
26 In practice the distribution between the various hospital and community services may have little objective foundation , having developed incrementally over a number of years .
27 It is clear that insubstantial changes will not give rise to a new copyright ( or right to prevent unfair extraction ) but what is the position when a database has changed considerably from its original form but this has happened incrementally over a period of time ?
28 ( Because they are stumbling backwards over a precipitation of hasty , inside-out clothes , say . )
29 Le Dimanche — Sunday afternoon whiled away over a game of cards .
30 After his death his empire could barely be sustained by the new rulers ( including Charles the Bald and Charles the Fat — is it possible to hold an empire together when the populace is taking the mickey out of you to that extent ? ) and crumbled away over a period of two centuries .
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