Example sentences of "[adv] important [pers pn] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The more important it is in sea water , the longer its residence time .
2 OLD people who need treatment for heart conditions may just be computer statistics to hospital bosses — but think how important they are to their families and of the contribution they have made to this country .
3 The study will isolate key aspects of the successful transition to democracy in Spain , and examine how important they are to contemporary
4 Every organization has these unofficial groups , and research has shown how important they are for organizational effectiveness .
5 Looking at her he thought , ‘ Do I realize how important I am to this woman ?
6 This contact may be by post , by telephone or by personal meetings ; the choice will depend very much on how important you are to a magazine and the magazine to you and thus how often you are likely to be working with this particular publication , how physically near you are to each other and indeed how well you get on at a social level .
7 ‘ He tells me I wo n't be able to go on like this , but he knows how important it is to my life , ’ Edwards reasoned .
8 ‘ We hope this information pack will show how important it is to be a good owner . ’
9 So far in this chapter I have tried to spell out how important it is to be clear where one starts from , where present trends are taking one to , and to be ruthlessly honest about the threats from the competition and from the external environment .
10 This in turn depends on the relevance it has , how important it is to them not to get pregnant , and how easy emotionally and practically it is to go somewhere and ask for it .
11 Now you see how important it is to me ! ’ she cried passionately .
12 Some of us though , working at the ground , grass roots ma may not know that it goes on , and er , I would just like to take this opportunity of stressing how important it is to , that we communicate within the United Kingdom , and er , support Nigel 's er , suggestion that it would be useful to have a base down here .
13 Nowadays everybody is aware of how important it is to be fit .
14 A comparison of such different ballets as Enigma Variations , Fancy Free and The Rake 's Progress emphasises how important it is for young choreographers to remember that ballet is an art of the general as well as of the particular .
15 ‘ The figures are a movable feast , but they show how important it is for anonymised prevalence testing to get under way so we can get a true picture of infection in the population . ’
16 This goes back to what I was saying about the ‘ fellowship ’ of conferences and similar events and how important it is for people to enjoy themselves and make contacts .
17 I can not stress enough how important it is for teachers to realise that because drama is such a powerful tool for helping people change , as teachers we need to be very sensitive to the emotional demands we make on our students .
18 The conversion also shows how important it is for the planning authority to be flexible about change of use so the right scheme does not get blocked prematurely .
19 But Making Out highlights how important it is for women to have a job and be with other women workers — often in very crummy circumstances , but actually being very resilient with a lot of humour and girl talk .
20 I shall be dealing more fully with the use of the library in the next chapter , but I can not stress too strongly how important it is for all researchers to be knowledgeable about bibliographical sources and , sadly , how few social science undergraduates are actually taught the necessary skills .
21 We have seen how important it is for the retailer to choose the right place and the right product .
22 I can tell him how important it is for us to have a home of our own .
23 That 's without mentioning how important it is for Suede to hurtle into people 's lives …
24 Just how important it is for the mountain goat to be footsure is summed up by Doug Chadwick , an American biologist who lived with goats for several years :
25 For all its graphs , diagrams and photographs and highly technical text , I was glad to see that the practical matters were not neglected and the author was keen to emphasise the personal touch and how important it is for the stockman to treat his cows with confidence , affection and respect .
26 With around 700 people a year dying in house fires , doctors from Cardiff Royal Infirmary stress how important it is for all homes to have smoke detectors .
27 I can not over-emphasise how important it is for cyclists , that any barrier should allow enough room to pass through without dismounting .
28 The level of provisions ‘ demonstrates the immense damage which is done by extreme economic cycles and just how important it is for this country to strive to secure steady growth on a low-inflationary basis ’ .
29 I wonder how important it is for those players because the the competition over here has its detractors , what about over there , I ca n't imagine the Italians being that bothered about doing well in this competition , certainly the gates over there do n't suggest that it 's that important ?
30 If I can understand people after twenty five thirty years in sales and marketing listening to people on the phone and knowing how important it is in this then I then that 's fine .
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