Example sentences of "[adv] because [pers pn] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Try using fine sea salt as a scrub — this will help dry out blemishes naturally because it 's slightly antiseptic .
2 Normally noisy monkeys are unusually quiet during childbirth , perhaps because they are particularly vulnerable to predators when in labour .
3 Many say that the donkeys from Poitou in France are particularly suitable for siring mules , perhaps because they are particularly large , but it now seems doubtful that size is of any special virtue in obtaining the hybrid .
4 Black guillemots ( tysties ) have not been so badly affected , perhaps because they are not so dependent on the pelagic fish such as sand-eels and young gadoids ( whitefish ) but catch more bottom-living fish such butterfish and rockling .
5 It is perhaps because they are both unique and at the same time a faithful continuation of ancestral traditions that oriental rugs are objects of allure and fascination for the West .
6 If the government decides to cut its expenditure , or if there is a loss of export markets , or if domestic firms decide to invest less at all interest rates ( perhaps because they are less confident about future economic prospects ) , then the unc line will shift downwards .
7 Organizations are arenas within which some things will tend to hang together and be adopted by power-players as a bundle , while other forms of combination may be far less likely to occur as a coherent package , perhaps because they are less coherent or because the alliance which could make them so lacks a position in the field of power to be able to constitute the necessity of its choices .
8 We will concentrate mainly on foods containing wheat , because these seem to be the culprits more commonly that other grains — perhaps because they are more commonly consumed .
9 Hollywood blockbusters were still more likely to attract people than home-made films , ‘ perhaps because they are more likely to be of a genre which appeals to an escapist mentality during the recession ’ .
10 Perhaps because they are relatively loose in conventional management terms , with a good deal of devolved power and individual discretion , they seem relatively ‘ tight ’ in normative terms , held together more by values than by structures ( Becher and Kogan 1980 ) ; indeed , they may constitute an interesting organizational example of the ‘ simultaneous loose-tight properties ’ described by Peters and Waterman ( 1982 ) .
11 I decided that it was perhaps because they were n't possessive and had given no other human being the feeling that having been once disgorged he was n't safe and at any moment might find himself gobbled up again and back in the confines of a body not his own .
12 Here the workers were fewer than in the machine shop , and shyer — perhaps because they were mostly Asian .
13 Some noblemen went out as governors because they needed the money and , perhaps because they were habitually lavish about their spending , were usually rather popular .
14 Cost , or the need to plan within specific budgets , was more likely to be mentioned by the training officer group , perhaps because they were more likely to have specific budgets .
15 Well perhaps because they were more idealist and that now they 're becoming more realist but they 're still erm I mean they 're learning from their past mistakes and they 've seen that right so we have to have a moderate policy which is gon na take us a little bit further towards socialism .
16 Perhaps because they were suddenly aware that Madrid could fall to the rebels at any moment , or perhaps because they felt more confident with a government which now included representatives of all the Popular Front forces and the anarchists , the Republican troops rallied at that point and managed to slow down the Army of Africa 's advance on the capital .
17 But perhaps because she was thus secretly rejecting him and yet knew at the same time that he was in love with her , a sense of justice prompted her to help him in amorous efforts , to support him , to rid him of childish embarrassment .
18 The professor seemed not to realise that she was a servant , perhaps because she was so much with the Carsons as to seem almost a member of the family .
19 Yet her restraint had failed to achieve its purpose , perhaps because Natasha was genuinely unable to assist , perhaps because she was too frightened to do so .
20 Relatively few rural residents appear to rely solely on public transport , perhaps because it is not regarded nowadays as a worthwhile alternative — Moseley et al .
21 But Gudrun 's admiration for Breadalby is grudging , perhaps because it is still in private hands : ‘ she spoke with some resentment in her voice , as if she were captivated unwillingly , as if she must admire against her will ’ .
22 Perhaps because it 's so easy to believe the worst of you . ’
23 Perhaps because it was conveniently placed on the edge of the Old City closest to the modern , developed parts where the more well-to-do lived , there were surprisingly wealthy people in its congregation .
24 Yet , perhaps because it was not televised , it produced mighty little stir .
25 Although the Chicago School made passing reference to Freud 's work in discussing the biotic level , it did not explore it in detail , perhaps because it was not fully available in English during the 1920s and 1930s .
26 He still retains an affection for the place , perhaps because it was there that he first encountered the inspiring sight of human beings at odds with , and frequently overcoming , an unpromising environment .
27 A lot of very senior RAF flying officers went on this particular raid , perhaps because it was too important and vital to allow young and inexperienced crews to take part .
28 If certain aspects of Vincent 's personality repel us , it is perhaps because he is never full face .
29 In 1983 he took over the captaincy of Jamaica when Rowe went to South Africa but found it a difficult business , perhaps because he is too quiet and introspective for cricket leadership .
30 one of the twenty-four-year-old twins , had proved the most difficult , perhaps because he was not the most talented .
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