Example sentences of "[adv] look at [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm it , we 've covered some of it , the rest , er , again , because we 're not looking at such large large sums , you know , as Cover Master for Home Health Checks and things like that , erm , but , basically , no .
2 A middle-aged woman , matronly in appearance and , thought Tony , not looking at all comical , went straight into a saucy monologue about an amorous coalman who left dusty handprints on various parts of his lady customers ' anatomies .
3 I I think you 've got to just look at that constitutional concept .
4 I mean it 's it 's their responsibility to er prepare the local plan in the context of what the structure plan strategy as a whole is saying and I think it 's it 's necessary not to just look at this particular policy in total isolation and assume that that is going to give er what you fear to district councils the ability to nothing .
5 ‘ You make things very uncomfortable for me , ’ said Tobermory , although he did not look at all uncomfortable .
6 Miss Butler said : ‘ He stood next to me in the lift and did not look at all shifty .
7 Janice , who switched to nights this week to cover for a colleague , today told the Echo : ‘ He stood next to me and did not look at all shifty .
8 Gedanken still did not look at all happy .
9 He did not look at all glad to see me , however .
10 ‘ More than once , I should n't wonder , ’ he grunted , and did not look at all thrilled when she failed to reply .
11 Just look at that bloody lot .
12 In the meantime , just look at those gigantic revolving blue lights !
13 Just look at this glorious satin She told her tale of triumph .
14 Just look at this winning line-up !
15 She had n't really given him time to explain , just looked at that horrible creature prancing about in the hall all sexed up , and assumed the worst .
16 Too much do n't tell me they sell cookers in here Right look at these marvellous no I mean the
17 Little Look at those brilliant grafts Mum double grafts they 're called Hobart and Darwin .
18 It was just like , just like looking at any ordinary cup standing in the black ebony stand , and er lions head in each side with rings in it 's mouth .
19 It feels good under the hand and as this kind of neck joint has been cropping up more and more frequently on other models , I get the impression that we 're probably looking at another future industry standard .
20 The air was still , the heat intense and the glare from the shingle plains quite dazzling as we walked up to look at this historic site .
21 We must now look at that bourgeois society .
22 We will now look at this alternative view to explore its relevance to translation activities .
23 By then Tec-huc and Pulvidon and their followers had seen me , but had n't looked at all surprised .
24 But I had n't looked at many other places .
25 I know that I will continue to get great pleasure from simply looking at this beautiful image .
26 They did n't look at all impressive last week when losing 4-2 to Edinburgh Civil Service in a friendly .
27 ‘ She does n't look at all pregnant , ’ said Sukey .
28 She did n't look at all friendly , but she looked interesting , and I wondered who she was .
29 The large body , relaxed and at ease , did n't look at all incongruous crouched in the corner .
30 It was a summer night , so Spunk did n't look at all conspicuous in his bodyhair , warpaint and loinskin .
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