Example sentences of "[adv] even if [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Frequently there is no contact number , so even if we like the music , we ca n't do much about it .
2 Erm and so even if we had a full employment situation , we would still need an economic bonus strategy and I know the Conservatives wo n't agree with that , they were very reluctant the last administration to think about economic developments at all but , er eventually they realised the recession was quite er , quite serious .
3 Not only do we not usually think of Snell 's law when we try to net a fish or tickle a trout , but we could not use it to help us do so even if we did .
4 So even if we agree that abolition was his intention and that that intention would have failed , if we consider also that it was mistaken anyway , we need pursue the point no further , except to add this : granted that the evil of insufficiently regulated competition is that it leads ultimately to the vicious exploitation of employees , the point can hardly be made of industrial co-operatives .
5 So even if we do n't call on you to , do it , you wo n't be called .
6 SO even if they felt hostility , they were going to keep it to themselves .
7 So even if they made a little , if they 've got the glass cutter , made a little round hole then reached , still could n't get the window open they 'd be forced to break the whole lot and make more noise .
8 ‘ But we are a bit concerned that they have been barricaded in by the Coal Board , so even if they want to , they can not get out .
9 So even if they have n't much money , they 've no choice but to buy .
10 and er their gra , grade stipulation so even if you got three A's they can still refuse you .
11 Often people are unclear themselves about their motives for doing something so even if you question them you may not reveal the real motive .
12 Out in the open the bird can fly enormous distances , so even if you spotted one , the chances are it would have flown miles away before you could get your camera ready to shoot .
13 So even if you 've got an XT with a mere 640Kb of RAM you can now have TrueType fonts .
14 So even if you do repay your loan on a building society account , er do n't forget that erm er the erm building society will then want to charge you for keeping the deeds of your house .
15 So even if you did n't have a protractor , I mean if you wanted to be really fussy and find out exactly you could measure it and say , ooh that 's actually , it 's not eighty that 's seventy nine and this is a hundred and one so she spends a pound and a penny on sweets and she saves seventy nine .
16 when you start learning a language you are constantly collecting new words , so even if you have a computer and intend to use it for producing a dictionary you may still wish to have your vocabulary in a more accessible form than on a computer disk , at least for the first few months .
17 So even if it managed to escape from the scientists ' clutches in Britain , it could not turn into another exotic pest , like the mink in Britain or the rabbit in Australia .
18 So even if it makes no particular appeal to you , read I beg you , this chapter .
19 I 've always wanted to work in a bank so even if I had n't have had Louisa it 's basically what I 'd have gone on to do anyway .
20 So even if he believed that from an economic point of view the best decision would be to deny any recovery for emotional injury , he would still ask whether the role of law in encouraging reliance and coordination would be much damaged if he ignored the precedents , and , if it would , whether this loss would be made up in the gains he foresees from the change .
21 The wire is generally fastened to the bracelet with a popper so even if she forgets about it and walks away from her machine with it still attached , it will just pop apart .
22 This is so even if she did not buy it direct from the manufacturer ( or , indeed , even if she did not buy it . )
23 2–0 will be about it , I do n't think City will come out much even if they go a goal down .
24 The books of Mary Somerville ( e.g. , On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences , 1834 ) proved valuable to men of science wanting to keep up with what was going on in other fields , and unable to understand it all even if they had had time to read it .
25 You two 'd stick together even if you did n't agree would n't you ?
26 Thus even if we accept that the duty of directors to act in the best interests of shareholders can be equated with a duty to maximize profits this does not provide us with any real assurance that the wishes of the shareholders are being executed by the directors or that we have a satisfactory way of controlling the discretion accorded to directors in the name of the Rule of Law .
27 Thus even if he had wanted to introduce a programme of radical social reform , Alexander had to tread carefully .
28 Driving to Glasgow I wondered how easy it was to get lost and end up in Wales or Norfolk or somewhere , but once it began , it was so exciting and I saw one could n't get lost , not even if one tried .
29 Not even if we squashed it into the cassette case .
30 Not even if it turns out to be an intruder ? ’ asked Pascoe .
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