Example sentences of "[adv] after being [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 The riders ' six-seater aircraft was turned upside down after being caught in the Tornado 's slipstream .
2 I decided I do n't like eating dead bodies — not after being caught in a trap .
3 A similar number ran away after being placed in local authority care .
4 The main beneficiaries were Theret and Roger-Patrice Pelat , a financier and longtime friend of Mr Mitterrand , who died shortly after being indicted in 1989 .
5 It is always interesting to notice how a fit hunter will puff and sweat quite soon after being worked in a manege , if he is not used to working in such a way .
6 The adult worms are most often found in the small bronchi and their eggs , containing the first stage larvae , hatch soon after being passed in the faeces ( Fig. 26 ) .
7 Professor Wybran , 49 , the director of the Co-ordination Committee of Jewish Organisations in Belgium ( CCOJB ) , died early yesterday after being shot in the head on Tuesday night outside the Brussels University Hospital , where he headed the Immunology Department .
8 A British tourist died yesterday after being shot in a robbery in New Orleans .
9 FLAMBOYANT Tory MP Sir Nicholas Fairbairn was recovering yesterday after being shot in the eye as neighbours potted clay pigeons .
10 SMOOTH TV frontman Frank Bough lost his cool yesterday after being named in kinky sex allegations splashed across a Sunday newspaper — for the second time in his career .
11 He was said to be ‘ critical ’ yesterday after being hit in the head and body .
12 A father-of-two , Sergeant Bill Forth , 34 , died early yesterday after being stabbed in spite of efforts by a colleague and householders to save him .
13 A week-old baby , Jack Steff , had an ear sown back on yesterday after being attacked in his home in Upminster , east London , by the family 's Jack Russell , which was later destroyed .
14 A woman aged 47 needed hospital treatment for bruising yesterday after being attacked in her home in Chirton Road , North Shields , by a man who stole her video recorder .
15 The rats eventually managed to press the lever very quickly after being placed in the box , in order to receive their reward .
16 In National Division Four North , Durham City had a fine 24–15 home win over Preston Grasshoppers , whose England lock Wade Dooley cried off after being named in the side .
17 He fought back after being shot in the head , as the Press secretary beside Ronald Reagan during an assasination attempt .
18 On a day when several players missed training with niggling end of season injuries , Taylor 's only other major concern is Gascoigne , who underwent an operation to repair his cracked cheekbone three weeks ago after being hurt in the 2–2 draw against Holland .
19 Only Phil Aldrich had seemed as placid as ever , even after being interrupted in the middle of his lunch , and thereafter being seated in the Lancaster Room , writing busily on the hotel notepaper ; and being interrupted just the once , and then only briefly , by Janet Roscoe — the latter intent , it appeared , on fomenting further dissatisfaction whenever possible .
20 Mohamed Sahnoun , the special representative in Somalia of UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali , resigned on Oct. 27 , reportedly after being rebuked in a letter from Boutros-Ghali for criticising the UN response to the crisis .
21 A 27-YEAR-OLD hospital worker was ‘ stable ’ in intensive care today after being stabbed in the neck .
22 ARSENAL keeper David Seaman and midfielder David Hillier are fit to face Manchester United today after being substituted in the Gunners ' 3–0 crash at Leeds .
23 TWO men , aged 22 and 28 , are expected to appear at Hamilton Sheriff Court today after being arrested in connection with the discovery of a 35-year-old man 's body in a sewage works at Bothwell .
24 Apart from a superb save early in the game and the penalty save , Pears played well after being flattened in a collision .
25 Yet after being annihilated in the first Test , England showed they could still fight .
26 Pears was whisked off still wearing his goalkeeper 's jersey and limping heavily after being hurt in the final minutes .
27 Nijaz and Sead Hukanovic had feared they might never see each other again after being parted in the savage purge of Bosnians callously dubbed ‘ ethnic cleansing ’ by the Serbs .
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