Example sentences of "[adv] when he [vb past] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 With her thoughts going dreamily round and round , it was about seven-thirty that , as she was again thinking of how he had that morning cradled her so gently when he 'd seen her hurt , Leith suddenly became horror-struck .
2 Watching from the window , Hilary grinned as she saw him hurry towards the driver , and only when he 'd climbed into the car did she move .
3 He should have realised it before , but it was only when he had seen Juliet that the obvious had appeared in all its blatancy .
4 Only when he had saddled and mounted Polly did he hesitate .
5 Only when he had asked her about Katherine had he realized that something was seriously amiss .
6 Only when he had gone did my master ask what had happened .
7 The personnel director of SBCI Savory Milln , Peter Cole , confirmed that this was his view of headhunters ; he would employ a search firm only when he had exhausted his own supply of personal contacts .
8 Only when he had returned to his own office did it occur to him to flick through his passport 's pages .
9 He put the papers down when he had finished them and looked at her long and steadily .
10 Presently Wendy wrote a note for Ken suggesting he came on down when he 'd had breakfast , walked fifteen minutes to the hospital and admitted herself .
11 Especially when he had made it crystal-clear where he stood with her .
12 He used to try different chapels or different preachers , sometimes taking me with him , more especially when he had become an almost weekly attendant at a Unitarian Chapel … .
13 Given that Paisley 's ability to predict political events had always been a major part of his public image , one would have expected the electorate to turn against him , especially when he had committed his personal prestige to the extent of offering to resign if the strike did not change British policy .
14 So when he had seen the sign ahead of him in the street , he 'd walked right in and sat down and demanded to be attended to .
15 So so when he 'd done it he said well two hundred and fifty quid I heard him and he said but I suppose you know the of it oh I do n't know and he said why did n't you do it ?
16 He fetched it in and he bunged it down and I said that 's not a twenty two , he said it is , so when he 'd gone it were only nineteen so I rung him up I says hey
17 And complained that she had refused to let him in when he had returned from the wine bar having forgotten his key .
18 Do you remember when Gordon went rushing through when he 'd got his whistles out ?
19 Once in the Essoldo Cinema a lad had moved away when he 'd done no more than offer him a piece of chocolate in the darkness .
20 She had no idea why he had telephoned her , though she did n't put it out of the realms of possibility that , having gone away when he 'd promised to think about the interview , he might well have rung to suggest some alternative .
21 It was unfortunate that , just when he had quelled a great deal of internal disorder and was aiming at a profitable alliance with the Lancastrians during the Wars of the Roses , he chose as a grand gesture to drive out the English garrison still holding Roxburgh castle , only to be killed when one of his own bombards exploded .
22 Well not not when he got pulled but he I was sat in the backseat when he was pissy .
23 Usually when he 'd had a few .
24 So troubled was he for a girl who , after all , was of age , high-spirited and clever , that after she had gone , and Matey had answered reflectively when he had asked her if she knew where McAllister was going , ‘ I do n't know .
25 A row had followed : he had been returning home when he had heard a noise .
26 Sien had ‘ that Dolorosa expression ’ which had affected him so deeply when he had seen it depicted in the picture Woman in Mourning .
27 Collects them and then he started pulling their heads off when he got fed up with them .
28 He had recognised her at once when he had seen her at the funeral , and even then her looks , though pale and wan , had surprised him with their purity .
29 She had trusted him completely ; had given in at once when he had demanded that they get married immediately .
30 Once when he had remonstrated at her sluttishness she had shrugged :
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