Example sentences of "[adv] when i [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , because … well , naturally when I took the job I did n't realise that I would come to dislike him so much .
2 Only when I ordered the boatman to take us to Syon did my master break free of his reverie .
3 I was so caught up in what I was seeing that it was only when I reached the top of the close where they lived that I started to think again about what I was doing there , and it was then that my feelings of fear started .
4 But only when I reached the washed sky of the Thames did I dare to pull over and negotiate my fear .
5 Only when I had the body in my hand did see it was a goldcrest .
6 I learnt to do arithmetic only when I opened the tea stall .
7 I 'd read about this technique in my books , but it was only when I did the course that I realised that , although it would work for sparrowhawks and most other hunting birds , Dawn 's hunting did not depend on speed .
8 The sun was already going down when I reached the top of the hill .
9 and , and the garage was unlocked so I did n't bother , I probably put it down when I got the steamer out of the cupboard
10 ‘ But it was really hard to deal with sometimes , especially when I got the thumbs down on something I really believed in and did n't want to change .
11 So when I left the Army , I went into that sort of thing . ’
12 more information I mean this is , I mean this is part of what I was talk mythology I mean we 're talking about the index survey so when I raised the example of Churchill and the Churchill ex example is , was a good one because I mean he was an intellectual in his way , you know I mean he was a big bright cookie and but his was in terms of word count because he had a use of words for the way he used his words was how ordinary people would understand him I mean if you go back to you know we will fight them on the beaches and everything else I mean you think of the number of syllables he used in those words etcetera , etcetera I mean that 's sort of what I 'm getting to I mean he had his sharp succinct approach you know
13 It 's kind of late now and I 'm in no condition to drive so when I get the 205 I only take it as far as the outskirts of Inverness where I stop at the first lit Bed and Breakfast sign I see and talk politely and slowly to the pleasant middle-aged couple from Glasgow who run the place and then say goodnight , close the door of my room and fall fast asleep on the bed without even taking off my jacket .
14 But I 'll make , I 've got to make the other half of it , so when I make the other half of it he can probably have , er have a couple of jam ones
15 ‘ He said , ‘ I was dying for a pint so when I saw the pub I decided to land and come in . ’ ‘
16 I think , because I had been working on Armchair Theatre , I was used to a certain style of drama , so when I saw the first Doctor Who script my first reaction was , after the first half hour , all we were left with was a lot of hairy-chested cavemen jumping around , grunting and going ‘ Ug ’ .
17 ‘ It had always been her ambition to go to the Holy Land and so when I arranged the trip I told her ‘ Right , now you 're going ’ .
18 no , so he said erm , when I opened it court order , I said well I do n't know what yours is I said but it 's nothing to do with this , I said this is about that so when I opened the other one I remember then that when they originally built that court order bit he give me one cheque for sixty two quid and one for sixty nine
19 I put in when I planted the garden because I thought that would be useful to know the next year .
20 I was just going in when I saw the sign .
21 My heart was pounding and realisation sank in when I saw the needle being prepared to go into MY arm .
22 And also , if she came in when I had the triplets it meant that erm you know , she was sitting talking to me when I wanted to be playing with them and taking them out and getting on with doing things with them .
23 Debbie , 23 , of Blisworth Street , said : ‘ If I had n't ran away when I saw the balls of fire coming towards us it might have been much worse .
24 Anyway when I saw the fire
25 I sat there a long time , bored , with a cold bottom , and I was about to open the pub door to tell him I was going home when I saw the organ grinder trundling his barrel-organ down the street .
26 Yeah , because I mean , like when I had the home erm , that again obviously you ca n't , people said that , I mean , it 's changed a lot but when I had the home you did n't just pull an , out anybody from the street and call them care assistants you had to offer them a day 's training every week
27 The same applied a week or so later when I won the 100 metres at Gateshead against France and Czechoslovakia .
28 That was nothing to my thoughts two minutes later when I joined the back of a long queue for a bus that already had people standing !
29 Though later when I did the piece in Vienna I was furious when the orchestra showed up with five basses and a dozen first violins .
30 And also when I took the measurement , I took actually took it
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