Example sentences of "[adv] when it [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He moved slowly , according to Nithard , " wanting to know which way things would go before he crossed the Alps " ; only when it had become clear that plenty of support would be forthcoming did he decide to claim " the whole empire " .
2 For a statute or a past decision poses problems of consistency in strategy only when it has assigned people legal rights that a judge forming a new rule is for some reason powerless to change , rights that would work badly with the new rights he wants to create .
3 If the trouble has started and does not look like stopping , the best solution is to provide an immaculately clean tray of fresh litter , place it in a quiet corner , and then shut the animal up in that particular room , releasing it only when it has used the tray in the approved manner .
4 Ah but , but only when it 's realized it , it 's gone too far .
5 She dialled her mother 's number and nearly put the phone down when it started ringing .
6 The son of a Siberian farmer , Rasputin soon adopted the motto ‘ work hard and play hard ’ , especially when it came to drink and women .
7 Her high-handed personal style , it appeared , had created widespread hostility to her , which surfaced in the course of the trial , especially when it became known that there had been blatant intimidation of witnesses .
8 Many people swear that their horse has a sense of humour , especially when it likes tipping them off ; but it is possible of course that these people actually have a considerable sense of humour themselves to put up with the vagaries of their horse !
9 Adventure might seem exciting , but all too soon it could seem like a prison sentence , especially when it meant living aboard a ship with all manner of rogues and scoundrels .
10 ‘ It was quite usual for me to take on this sort of job but it was n't usual for him to make an appointment for me and only tell me at the last minute , especially when it meant working after hours .
11 Reading was difficult for me , especially when it involved looking at the chalkboard , and I soon found myself being classed as ‘ thick ’ .
12 This work promises to be arduous , especially when it comes to deal with Jewish settlements in the territories , the future of Jerusalem , and security .
13 Despite these limitations , Rabbit can claim some advantages over other mobile phones currently available , especially when it comes to call quality and security , and international compatibility .
14 So when it had come playtime I went home .
15 Parsys does n't expect to have the SN9000 ready until ‘ late 1992 ’ — it will take three months or so to bed the new chip in when it does arrive .
16 Sally-Anne had one pain , one memory of which she dared not even think for fear that she would lose all command of herself , one memory which she always pushed away when it tried to attack her .
17 They can be interested on the central questions , if the central questions are sent in a framework that they do understand , and perhaps it 's best when it 's done by somebody who is bold , not afraid of being amateurish , not afraid of being controversial , because theology erm is a world that can mean obfuscation .
18 Then , just when it seemed to have settled , it made a sharp sideways movement , tugging against the halter .
19 No not when it 's chopped off top and bottom like a stick from the fridge dear , it 's not a plant .
20 At 7 p.m. on the twenty-seventh , another outbreak of fairly violent explosive activity occurred , and got progressively more and more vigorous until 11 p.m. when it started to decline .
21 Dieting without exercise also forces the body to manage on less oxygen , and it reduces its oxygen intake even further when it has to take energy , not from food , but from the body itself .
22 She 'd perhaps take the plugs out dinnertime when she got home when it had stopped .
23 Another Saturday came round with no prospect of a night off when it began to rain in the afternoon .
24 well it 'll switch off when it 's done
25 After a flat opening beers perked up when it became known that August beer production was up 8 per cent and the year 's output had edged 0.6 per cent ahead of last year 's corresponding performance .
26 I puzzled over this little problem for years , right into old age in fact , picking it up when it happened to float into my mind , and putting it down again unsolved .
27 He had mentioned it to me , in a roundabout sort of way , but I could never work out when it had happened or how old I was when it occurred .
28 All the animals that were out when it flooded had been taken inside the house and the furniture in the house was on bricks .
29 They were much more worried about the other problems associated with such a large , unwieldy beast — its potential for erratic behaviour , its contamination of the countryside and the waste products it would leave behind when it had performed its task .
30 Now when it had had a general repair on it , there was a little plate put on it and er then i it w it was supposed to go out again for three years .
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