Example sentences of "[adv] when [pers pn] come [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps when they come back they 've got six months you know they 've got a month 's work on their hands .
2 Oh well , perhaps when we come back from Sarah 's have a bit of a rest .
3 Lydia realised this afresh when she came downstairs the following morning .
4 Charles had his own household to deal with his affairs which he had brought together when he came out of the forces .
5 Enid and I will describe it all when we come back . ’
6 They said that in a political situation , if you had one side you could call it the thesis , say capitalism was the thesis and communism was the other side and that was the antithesis and that these two would one another and it was only when they came together and got their good points both of them adopted , that one was really going to get a satisfactory solution .
7 Only when they came close was it possible to make out the dark shadow of a hand and arm carving each one , the sketchy outline of a black body behind , and above , a ghoulish half-lit face with gaping shadowy craters for mouth and eyes .
8 I met George only when I came here , and it was a pleasure for me to meet such a good and conscientious man of the people .
9 That would do , but they should ease down when they come past , but they did n't , they never took no notice .
10 Then she realized she 'd forgotten to kneel down when she came in , and blushing , sank to her knees .
11 I must have forgotten to put it down when I came in again .
12 I only sit down when he comes in and he 's not in much .
13 Never mind that this is very seldom what happens when a bullet strikes a forehead and especially when it comes out at the back of the head .
14 Occasionally , when he came back to Cambridge in later years , and especially when he came back to help the university elect another professor of divinity , he would be nostalgic , and say , ‘ I should like to have another go at being regius professor , .
15 regardless when we come back well what are you going to make with it ?
16 They stood on their ends in the inward sloping shelves for a fortnight or so when they came in during the spring or early summer .
17 So when they came back they said , " Push " , and out he came .
18 So when we came back to Lebanon , we created this youth movement . ’
19 So when we come up here to make a presentation let's put aside at the moment the content of what we actually say what do we what do we need to think about ?
20 Then when we come back to stand down , we came back to Tolbertstead well we was in Tolbertstead so the Tolbertstead canteen staff got some hot prepared some hot drinks and so when we come back we was able to have a hot drink and erm it was the duty of er the sergeants to see that the rifles were empty free , no am no , there was n't er there was n't one up the spout , one bullet left in the , in the rifle and er Sergeant , the barber , was checking our rifles anyway he , he was check , check , check , check and er alright he mischecked one and pulled the trigger and there was a bullet through the roof in the , in the he was holding it up or otherwise there 'd have been somebody on the floor but er he , he missed this one bullet through the canteen roof .
21 Put it on a very low one so when you come back about twenty past two whack it up and by sort of say three o'clock , quarter past three you can sit down and eat your grub dinner .
22 I says that 's got ta be Warren , it could n't be anybody else , so when I come down I went off like , well I tell ya I ca n't do it , so I knew it was so I picked up the wrong she says oh I 'm just ringing because you can see what the weather is she says and you could n't go and do a day in erm , with your
23 And erm , one day we had friends round , and I went into the loo it stinks of smoke in here , it was really bizarre , and I , I went , and sort of just thought oh , and then I went in again , and I really did smell , and I thought , this is really odd , and so when I came out here I said , did anyone else smell smoke in the ba in the bathroom , and they said oh yeah , I could smell cigarette smoke , and then , it must have just been upstairs , and it wafted down , and in through ours , cos there was no one else really around .
24 So when I came back to England , I consulted two elderly ladies , one a doctor , the other a spiritual medium , who work together , and who told me about the past lives I had had .
25 And er so when I came back after the War he says er , I object to him starting , he 's not come f direct from conscription , he volunteered for the Army .
26 ‘ You can imagine what a spell in the Army would have meant for someone who values his fingers as a pianist , so when I came back home I got in touch with some people and now he has been booked for a number of festivals , ’ Alan tells me .
27 But she was on this chair so when I came back cos she , I sat over there .
28 So when I came in from collecting my answer monies and what have you , erm Eva said new restaurant for you to try Doreen .
29 One of his wins had qualified him for the National so when he came up for sale at Doncaster , Kempton secured him for 2,000 guineas on behalf of two of his owners who were keen to have a runner in the race .
30 Well I did we we talked about this , you see Mary Anne , half way through the conversation er Neil went out of the room so that I could to Mary Ann and I said towards the end of my conversation , you know , Mary Ann you 're a very wise person , give me some advice I said , I told her about Neil not wanting no not doing well on the driving , although he can drive she said he does n't want to do it she said do n't hassle him so when he came downstairs I said I 've been talking to Mary Ann and she sends you her love and because , of course , you know , we 've got a grandson , you know she had a son , my
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