Example sentences of "[adv] take it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When using this fin elastic , thread it up through the feeder as usual , but do not take it through the tape-up spring ( the antennae at the end of the tension wire ) .
2 Often there is no such work to be had , but if there is , the asylum seekers should not take it at the expense of people already here .
3 I think you press backspace so that 'll just take it to the end and then if you press again no it 's just gon na delete
4 See I could , I could just take it round the edge of your carpet , you know , just , if er , if you want me to , if you want me to I 'll , I can lift the edge of your carpet and put it down onto the floor
5 And they just happily told me that Oh I just took it up the road for my husband to witness the signature and that totally invalidated the whole will .
6 the , Russ ' erm , done , well he 's already got a wall , just make it a bit bigger , an existing wall just taking it around the back so gon na do that in the summer I 'll erm , well in the spring , yeah gives er a bit , a bit of a practice
7 Er can I hang this up and no , so as not to take it into the church ?
8 Just take it on the pointed chin .
9 Or you could always take it off the hook , which has a similar effect .
10 A Country Diary : NORTHUMBERLAND : When we saw our first immigrant golden-eye bobbing on the waters of Bolam Lake in the early months of each year , we always took it as the first sign of spring .
11 We still take it in the ass every morning , along with everybody else-but the whole thing 's over in a trice these days .
12 probably take it in the back of that .
13 So John 's now taking it on the basis that he takes budget with it so
14 This retailer has now taken it off the shelves whilst Gloucestershire 's Trading Standards Department investigates .
15 Now take it from the top .
16 Er do n't take it to the I .
17 One of them is amazing but I do n't take it on the road with me ; I leave it at home .
18 We had delivered it but they had n't taken it from the gate house to you know , normal procedure but they , we delivered it normally but they had n't taken it to the exact part of the hospital it was going to .
19 We had delivered it but they had n't taken it from the gate house to you know , normal procedure but they , we delivered it normally but they had n't taken it to the exact part of the hospital it was going to .
20 Please take it in the kitchen .
21 ‘ We hit it before they even take it off the boat . ’
22 well take it off the rich .
23 Well take it off the you owe me .
24 He then takes it to the bank and gets the money , to spend as he chooses .
25 and then take it off the chair .
26 Now you ca n't possibly test a medicine on ten thousand people before you start to sell it , so that sort of risk , as rare a risk as that , will only be picked up when the medicine has actually been in use and on the market and been properly prescribed for some years , and what we are doing now , and what is particularly interesting , is to start to use computers to pick up these adverse reactions so that we know much more quickly in future if a medicine is doing any harm and we can either stop prescribing it for the people who are going to suffer from it , and that 's the most likely thing , or else take it off the market altogether if it 's if we do n't if we ca n't pick out the people who might be at risk .
27 Well the speeds it achieves wo n't actually take it into the air … but it takes it into the record books .
28 Few of his peers scoffed , but even fewer followed his example of actually taking it on the course .
29 The delicious Rob Walker who , in a journalistic disguise , was and is still around in the sport , must be the only other man I ever met in FI who while at the heart of the sport never took it with the grim tenacity with which the more parvenu consider the business of winning and losing .
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