Example sentences of "[adv] see the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There go right to see the Palazzo Erba-Odescalchi , a sumptuous palazzo built by the Cusani family in the early 1500s , although it takes its name from a later Archbishop who used it as his palace in the eighteenth-century .
2 David and Geoffrey were perfectly welcome because they were English , but I was not welcome because I was American , so while they were staying on to see the May Day Parade , I was meant to leave and fly to Berlin where I would wait for David and Geoffrey who were going on by train through Poland .
3 So that was the journey waybill and that was handed in at the end of the day and from that and a visual check of the tickets that were returned by him to the ticket office , they could tell which tickets were missing and therefore they were sold to him and er there be , there was the odd shortages but in those days if anybody was short in his takings by , I think it was about sixpence in those days , he was the subject of a another warning by letter and if he persisted , well then he was brought in to see the Traffic Superintendent who erm , could suspend him for two or three days , so he lost pay for two or three days .
4 The baldricked and garlanded dancers , from Thelwall in Cheshire , entertained audiences with a traditional display which coincided with news that a record number of visitors had flooded in to see the BNFL exhibition .
5 I mean I have gone to the trouble , I have been in to see the planning officer that 's dealing with it , erm I 've written to every single member of the planning committee , I 've written to the Environmental Health who have written back to me saying they offer no objections and there because the smell wo n't be a problem so I 've written them back another stinking letter and saying well erm
6 We would of done the same sort of thing and could of gone in to see the planning officer but I just , I just assumed you know that , that life was fair but of course there 's no justice in this life
7 Stand close enough to see the column form and you will probably be pelted with near-boiling water .
8 We 're all goin' along to see the relief officer , ’ he soothed her .
9 In many instances , the first reaction of parents was to take the user along to see the family doctor .
10 Clients came in at 45p plus , only to see the share price drop rapidly to 18p , although it did later recover .
11 A foolish general might surround his Pump Wagon with friendly units only to see the machine crunch through his own lines in the first turn !
12 They raced onto the platform , followed a minute or two later by a panting Naseby , only to see the railway train , now bearing Miss Throgmorton , steaming slowly away , enveloping them in white smoke .
13 In Rulfo 's Pedro Páramo , likewise , the frustration that embitters the eponymous protagonist 's life and the dashing of illusions that is the pattern of existence as depicted in the novel , are symbolized by an episode in which young Pedro and his lover climb a hill and fly a kite in the shape of a bird , only to see the string break and the kite fall back to earth , and the novel as a whole is punctuated by recurrent images of rising and falling which reiterate the central theme of the thwarting of human hopes and aspirations .
14 Hanging helplessly in the safety straps , Ace looked down to see the cabin ceiling buckling and tearing .
15 ‘ I 've invited Audrey down to see the horse anytime , ’ says Mr Lambourne .
16 The man had been in the wood and had perhaps seen the animal cemetery .
17 Another rebel said : ‘ He has tunnel vision and can only see the Maastricht Treaty .
18 Unsurprisingly , viewers in the Serb-held cities in Bosnia are no longer able to receive Sarajevo TV , but can only see the Belgrade version of reality .
19 She was thinking about pigs and children when she suddenly saw the Cheshire Cat in a tree .
20 The formation of the Film Society in 1925 , which aimed to make British filmmakers aware of the creative possibilities of the medium by screening the most artistically adventurous films being made in Russia , Germany and elsewhere , had caused some confusion in the commercial film industry , which rightly saw the Film Society 's platform as a blast against the prevailing aesthetic orthodoxies .
21 But oh , Nicodemus if you only see him as a teacher you only see the minute part of me !
22 You only see the business side of him — that is , apart from last night , ’ he added with a meaningful smile .
23 ‘ The political situation in FIFA , at the moment , is such that we have to be very careful of not seeing the majority move towards that idea . ’
24 The footplatemen had nothing to gain by lying about the position of the distant signal when they admitted not seeing the home signal at all .
25 And another witness , who had been in the car park , said in a statement to police that he had not seen the policeman check underneath his car before getting .
26 They had not seen the party programme and regulations , nor any copy of their own journal Young Guard .
27 The questionnaire was therefore designed in such a way that teachers who had not seen the Solihull booklet would not complete part one .
28 Although they had not seen the Harbour Master 's orders themselves , there seemed a distinct possibility that all ‘ normal ’ use of the water was about to end .
29 The umpire procedure has often been relied on as an argument for a reference being an arbitration rather than an instance of expert determination ( or , in the older cases , a " valuation " ) but the courts have not seen the umpire procedure as an important factor , and the involvement of an umpire does not turn a reference to an expert into an arbitration .
30 Had I just seen the DOS version , I 'd have been a little niggled about some of the design parameters , but very impressed at the functionality , with an overall favourable opinion .
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