Example sentences of "[adv] her [noun] as [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 A little thrill of anticipation ran along her skin as she turned and looked into the eyes of the man who 'd watched her with such intensity during the fashion show .
2 I asked my neighbour to turn down her records as I found it impossible to concentrate and she said the only way she could cope with the stress of her reality was to blast her music .
3 She had pulled down her veil as she sat down , hitched up her skirt to show pretty feet in high-heeled shoes , and lit a cigarette .
4 ‘ To Lucinda ’ , because of its date , is an important indication that she saw a need to tone down her protests as she approached a polite readership .
5 Smoothing down her skirt as she seated herself , she reached over and started up the secondary computer .
6 Tears ran down her cheeks as she thought of her first-born , of how he ought to be here , a part of the family circle .
7 She heard herself snivelling like a child , and was extremely conscious of the tears rolling down her cheeks as she undressed .
8 A couple of years ago we had a visit from a 91-year old lady who had left Uddingston in 1920 to emigrate to America — the tears flowed down her cheeks as she reminisced about playing here as a child . ’
9 But she could n't help it ; the silent tears coursed out of her eyes and cascaded down her cheeks as she stared up at him , the betrayal wrenching at her heart .
10 She paused , feeling a shiver work its way down her spine as she met the black eyes that were regarding her so closely now .
11 The tears had run down her face as she stood at the sink , washing up after tea .
12 The brilliant blue eyes , hardly dimmed by his all too evident tiredness , shut , leaving Kate with tears pouring down her face as she gazed silently and unseeingly out of the window .
13 In the first incident McConville , of Lurgan Road , Aghagallon , rubbed his hands up and down her sides as she bent over a dishwasher in the kitchen .
14 A female dealer at Tudorbury Securities felt the hand of chief executive Roderick Alexander Innes Hamilton , affectionately known as RAI , sidling over her bottom as she was queuing at the SEAQ screen .
15 He undressed her slowly , his eyes travelling over her skin as he revealed it , making it flush .
16 ‘ I ca n't wait to get into those waves , ’ she shouted over her shoulder as they made their way carefully down .
17 There had been several nasty incidents recently in the town when lone women had been subjected to attacks of one kind or another , so she could n't help but look over her shoulder as she made her way along the rows of parked cars to where her small Fiesta was parked next to a sleek-looking Jaguar .
18 There was a taunting sexual threat in the words , and she smiled at him over her shoulder as she paused in the bathroom doorway and let the cotton coverlet slide from her shoulders to land in a heap at her feet .
19 In the kitchen , as she heard the sound of the car driving away , she slumped on to a stool , her long hair spilling over her fingers as she dropped her head into her hands with a heavy groan .
20 His thumb grazed over her jawline as he serached her eyes .
21 ‘ Yes … ! ’ he said deeply , and then his mouth closed over hers , burningly sensual as his hands moved slowly up to tunnel into her thick black hair , and as her mouth opened beneath his the hunger swept them both again , their breathing quickening as the kiss took fire and his mouth was fierce , hot , demanding , his hands moving over her body as she heard his heart thudding violently at his chest , and she knew she was in danger of losing her mind with the sweet , hot rush of excitement .
22 A wide smile of welcome broke over her face as she brought her niece into focus .
23 She yawned and her long brown hair fell over her face as she stretched her arms out .
24 A smile spread over her face as she recalled the concerned officials , fussing over her like doting fathers .
25 Lindsey lay for a few seconds , battling with a sense of disorientation , one arm flung over her face as she tried to remember where she was .
26 She straightened her back and a small smile began to spread over her lips as she said , ‘ I wonder what Mrs Funnell will say to this ?
27 She gasped , his name whispering over her lips as he stirred her senses and brought her temperature soaring to fever-pitch .
28 whether the girl standing on the opposite side of the crossroads , with her face hidden by the long dark hair falling over her shoulders as she waits to cross the road , head turned to watch the oncoming traffic , will look straight ahead so that he can see her face : and if so , whether it will fulfil his hopes ; and whether the fulfilment of his hopes would in itself be a kind of disappointment .
29 Maggie brushed away her tears as she listened .
30 Philippa went first , kicking off her sandals as she rose from her beanbag .
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