Example sentences of "[adv] her [noun] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 There was such tenderness in his face as he studied the tears flowing down her cheeks that she cried all the harder .
2 Towards the end of the campaign , Mrs Thatcher 's actions in attacking Heseltine personally and especially her allegation that he would introduce Labour policies gave an unfortunate impression of panic — reminiscent of ‘ Wobbly Thursday ’ during the 1987 general election campaign .
3 Her therapist had suggested that she should speak more fully and openly to her husband , but an ancient , instinctive residue of wisdom had told Scarlet that this would be inadvisable : she had not gone through any process of transference , did not therefore regard her therapist as omnipotent , and so her suspicion that she was wasting money on her treatment was not unfounded .
4 His expression was unreadable , but she knew from the hot breath flowing over her breasts that he was finding the procedure as erotic as she was .
5 KATRIN KRABBE 'S hopes of avoiding a four-year doping ban received a boost yesterday when it was revealed that influential scientific reports backed up her case that she did not take banned steroids .
6 Prospective buyers had been shown around , but the house had quickly made up her mind that they were not suitable for such as she .
7 It was the day she made up her mind that she met Andrew on the Moor .
8 Anyway , he had given her enough money to have the baby comfortably ; and she had already made up her mind that she was n't going to have it adopted .
9 Claudia made up her mind that she would help Roman as much as she could .
10 She 'd made up her mind that it was all my fault !
11 It was only as the girl grew older and she realized that her mother was simply mouthing words and had no intention whatsoever of carrying out her threat that she had begun to be able to relax and enjoy what was left of her childhood .
12 Except that it was n't her name that she carved into the yielding stone , but her sister 's .
13 There were a few , half-hearted chuckles to keep her happy , but she knew it was n't her jokes that they were appreciating .
14 It was n't her reaction that I was wary of , it 's just that she does n't even know how she made her children so how was she going to understand what I was trying to tell her !
15 It is simply her case that they would be better off with her in England rather than without her in Australia .
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