Example sentences of "[adv] only [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She did n't seem surprised to see him sitting there still in his cloak and obviously only just returned from Mass , and he knew at once that she had been told about the murders .
2 In a report , Stories For Boys , she wrote : ‘ The programme is not only largely produced by men , but is also , in the main , a massively sexist affair . ’
3 yeah , you 're blowing apart as well because we are n't servicing our part of the partnership , cos it 's not only just talking about the projects he 's bringing in an and getting him involved with projects like that .
4 He was not only widely respected as a critic but also regarded with affection for the genuine humility which made him always interested in others ' opinions .
5 It was not only widely used at once but became the " identification photograph " of the war .
6 Nor was it much higher among the clergy who found themselves not only heavily taxed without the discretionary right of refusal which they enjoyed in respect of royal taxes , but also threatened with excommunication and ecclesiastical penalties for non-compliance .
7 Further , such displacements of non-sexual fears on to the sexual deviant , be he or she actual , imagined , or constituted in and by the displacement , are made possible because other kinds of transgression — political , religious — are not only loosely associated with the sexual deviant , but ‘ condensed ’ in the very definition of deviance .
8 If we do not get them , when this tax is put into place many single elderly people , in particular , will feel not only hard done by but that they have not been properly considered .
9 The siren , a metre-long amphibian from the southern United States , has lost its back legs altogether and its front legs are not only greatly reduced in size but have no bones within them , merely cartilage , so that they are of no practical use in locomotion .
10 The evidence , however , is slim , and the logical conclusion — the two-second or five-second commercial — seems far away ; while so-called ‘ subliminal ’ advertising , using flashes of picture or words lasting only fractions of a second , is not only totally unproven as a technique , but banned in most countries where advertising on film is available .
11 I 've not only never felt like this before , I never imagined it possible .
12 Will he please take the most urgent steps to correct that , because it is not only deeply damaging to companies in my constituency but harmful to the image of the Community ?
13 Group 2 argued , for instance , that this configuration is not only cohesively linked by a broad lexical set including the items " rained " , " water " and " wet " , but it is also linked in terms of an implicit cause-and-effect relationship between the propositions expressed by each sentence .
14 The dolphin in Minton 's design for Ralph Bates 's The Dolphin in the Wood ( 1955 ; Hart-Davis ) is not only poorly integrated with the drawing of the wood but is also drawn by a different hand .
15 Therefore , students generally only really looked to housing benefit to top up their accommodation needs and only then if they were in property not owned by their college .
16 Many aspects of military life , however , were still only indirectly controlled by the State , at least in Western Europe , at the beginning of the eighteenth century .
17 As a physical presence , Lanegan is oddly compelling for a man who clings solemnly to the mic stand throughout , breaking off only occasionally to reach for a glass or perform his quaint little bop routine at the outset of ‘ Nearly Lost You ’ , another gast-flabbering newie .
18 Distally the dorsal arm plates are well developed , rectangular and contiguous with two successive plates to each segment ; at the base of the arms thee is an irregular arrangement of many small plates merging into the disk , usually only distinctly seen in dried specimens .
19 Order is maintained through ‘ social expenses ’ policy ; accumulation is fostered directly by ‘ social investment ’ expenditures to reduce production costs ; and social cohesion is boosted by ‘ social consumption ’ spending , which boosts workers ' living standards ( and hence only indirectly contributes to increased profitability ) .
20 Certainly the number of offspring that a male may sire as a result of reciprocating coalitions will be greater than if he did not participate , while his lifespan is probably only slightly affected by such activity .
21 The highest of them is Sgorr Ruadh and the next Maol Chean-dearg , both only fully revealed by walks into the interior of the Forest .
22 Above the rambling parkland belonging to Randall Lodge was an area which had once been a rigidly formal garden , but was now only just kept in check by two elderly men .
23 By the time of Pope Gregory I the world of cultivated Roman paganism had receded into a past now only dimly seen through the distorting medium of legend and folklore .
24 Unlike its East End rivals , however , Truman 's never stopped brewing at Burton , and its Black Eagle brewery there only finally closed in 1970 .
25 The Bill therefore provides that students , student nurses , apprentices , youth trainees and other categories , who are currently only partially exempt from the community charge , will not , if they are resident in a dwelling , add to the council tax liability of that dwelling .
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